Democrats Say Gov’s Cuts Have Weakened Police Forces Around The State

After hearing testimony during today’s Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee hearing in Jersey City, Assembly Democrats are calling on Governor Christie to make public safety a priority, saying his Municipal Aid cuts weakened police forces in cities across the State.

Assembly Law & Public Safety Chairman Charles Mainor (D-Hudson) released the following statement:

“We have seen the consequences of the governor’s municipal aid cuts and they are not pretty. Police departments in Newark, Paterson, Trenton, Camden and Atlantic City have suffered dramatic losses in manpower, despite steep crime rates that demand the opposite. It’s a dangerous situation to put our residents in, and our police officers and firefighters who are now expected to do their jobs with less reinforcement. Fiscal responsibility is a must, but not at the expense of public safety.”

Assemblyman Sean Connors (D-Hudson):

“Crime is a daily nuisance for many residents in our urban centers. The crime stories we read and discuss? They live them. The governor has slashed funding for indispensable services. His municipal aid cuts led to police layoffs and uncertainty for residents. Public safety is our priority and should be the priority of this administration. Maybe the governor should visit these communities more often. Maybe then he will understand what his budget cuts really mean for these neighborhoods.”

Assemblyman Joseph Cryan (D-Union):

“Cities have had to rely on tactical support from the state police, which may see its own funding cut under the governor’s proposed budget. Municipal aid cuts in these cities were followed by vast police layoffs, increased crime and a shift in proven policing strategies to make up for the gap in coverage. What will these proposed cuts to the state police bring? Governor, proclaiming a comeback means nothing if people don’t feel safe because your budget cuts resulted in fewer cops on the beat.”

Assemblyman Jason O’Donnell (D-Hudson):

“Residents in New Jersey should feel safe in their homes, regardless of where they live. Giving cities with significant crime no other choice but to downsize their police forces shows the governor’s lack of apathy for the state’s most vulnerable. He has slashed funding for schools, women’s health care and public safety, yet manages to fund income tax breaks for millionaires. There won’t be any real recovery in New Jersey if the governor keeps undermining New Jersey’s working class.” TLS.

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  1. The governor cut municipal aid. He did not say to cut police forces. It was up to the towns where to make the cuts. The towns could have cut the benefits to various part timers, like the mayors, who only serve part time and have other jobs that provide health care. There are a lot of “do nothing” employees of towns who could be cut. But no – the towns want to cut police forces so the people don’t feel safe and, therefore, vote for higher taxes. As I said – there are many places where the towns could save money if they REALLY WANTED TO.

  2. The crime rate across NJ was on a downward trend over the 10 years before Gov Christy took office , and has been rising sharply since. State cuts to local gov has impact police and local gov try to fool tax payers into thinking they are paying lower taxes because they cut police. In reality all prices go up when crime increases . Insurance rates are partially based on crime rates, retail prices go up to ofset shoplifting and cargo theft. Auto insurance and home owners insurance go up as the auto theft and burglary rates increase. Property value also goes down when crime increases. But the cost of new construction goes up. It’s all linked. But do not be fooled by government backed statistics that are often passed along as crime rates but are really arrest rates. Less people officers mean less arrest not less crime .

  3. Hey Democrats…. Where would you get the money to pay for the Police… get another credit card????? You can’t spend money that is NOT there. I know You have been doing it for years that’s why we are in the situation that we are in.. Thank You Democrats!!!

  4. You may be correct about less arrests and same amount of crime. But with less arrests more criminals are out on the street that are creating the crimes. So more cops=more arrests=less crime= happy community.

  5. in the cities mentioned the police should be the bottom of the list as far as where to start cutting. many other ares to save money before jepordizing the safety of the people . Sorry but the democrats think the solution is to spend,spend ,spend in the end we all pay for that

  6. so what exactly do you want the gov. to do keep on spending without making these cuts
    $5 billion in debt isnt enough for you ??????????????????

  7. There it is. Always has to be at least one to only partially agree with an officer’s job duties. Drive safely=No ticket. Such a simple concept.

  8. Crime might also go down if Democratic bleeding heart liberal judges didn’t release repeat criminals back on the street so easily. Institute some of Sherrif Joe’s budget cuts in our jail system and it will be more economical to keep criminals locked up then to hire more police to spend their time chasing the bad guys.

  9. “3. Anonymous says:
    APRIL 25, 2012 AT 6:24 PM
    Hey Democrats…. Where would you get the money to pay for the Police… get another credit card????? You can’t spend money that is NOT there. I know You have been doing it for years that’s why we are in the situation that we are in.. Thank You Democrats!!!”
    I believe it was the Democrats who created a budget surplus and it was the Republicans who gave tax cuts and went off half-cocked and got us involved in 2 wars with no means of paying for them. Well we are paying for them now aren’t we; With cuts to emergency services, a depressed economy and in debt to China.

  10. Maybe get rid of that state trooper that lingers in lakewoid. We dont need him , we got our own great police. I saw him the other day, turn on his sirens , run the red and a few minutes later buying a salad at bagelnosh

  11. No, it was the Republican congress who forced Clinton to balance the budget. Remember?? The Republicans actually shut down the government until Clinton agreed to sign their budgets.

    Meanwhile, in other news today, the Democrat Congress since 2006 has run up a couple of trillion in debt, 5 TRILLION OF IT in just the last three years together with the Democrat President Obama.

    Get your facts straight.

    Yes, there were two wars, which were approved by Congress, including most of the Democrats. And it was right after we were attacked on Sept 11th. Whether we should have gone into Iraq is debatable, but Afghanistan was a must, as they harbored Bin Laden.

    And now, it is the Republicans who insist on balancing the budget, and are trying to pass a balanced budget ammendment, but the Democrats won’t let. hmmmm…….

  12. Hey #12:
    It is nice to see you type before you think. Typical Democratic double talk. The article is about NEW JERSEY and you mix up this State with the Federal Gov. just to try to make a false point, and either way your facts are WRONG, so sad.

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