Democratic Party Hosts Coles & Raitzik Fundraiser

PHOTOS:The Democratic Party this evening hosted a fundraiser event for Democratic Candidates incumbent Committeeman Ray Coles, and Moshe Raitzik. The event – which took place at Yussis Steakhouse in Westgate, was attended by Democratic Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien and other local officials and businessmen.

Committeeman Ray Coles and Moshe Raitzik are running for the two seats on the Township Committee, and will be facing Deputy Mayor Steven Langert and running mate Hal Halvorsen.

Elections are November 8.

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  1. the township will not allow 5 frum on the township committee, so it boils down to Hal or Ray. Ray has a proven track record but Hal brings new ideas to lakewood. I think it’s time for change.

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