Delayed USPS deliveries? Here’s Why
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It’s unbelievable what the postal service gets away with. I got confirmation that packages were delivered to my mailbox and they were not! These packages should have been received a week or two ago and I tried calling the post office and after waiting on hold for over an hour each time I gave up! There’s no one to talk to! It seems like they give confirmation that a package has been delivered when in fact it has not been but they do it to keep their on time delivery ratings higher than they truthfully are! It’s so frustrating to deal with the postal service. Anyone had any luck speaking with a supervisor and can share the info I would greatly appreciate it!
I’ve been waiting for something that was shipped 2 weeks ago. For awhile, when I tried to track it, it wasn’t updated and kept saying waiting for shipment. After a week, I emailed the USPS thru their website and got the reply above in the article. However, bli ayin hara, now the tracking info has been updated and now says in transit
I once ordered 50 pieces of a certain product (for a business) and it said out for delivery. I went to USPS on swathmore and asked if they had anything for my address. Lo and behold it was still sitting in their warehouse and was not out for delivery. BUT, the BIG point here is: THEY WERE GLAD TO GIVE IT ME ! You can try this too. I am sure they will be glad to give you your pkg’s and save themselves a delivery.
Consider them another government agency like dmv for example. Because that’s basically what they are. When you view them in that context a lot of your frustration will melt away
They’re backed up because they are still delivering ballots to GA and PA
i ordered empty boxes to deliver packages to my kids and waited and waited weeks as it was still in transit, and then i reordered. well after 3 months i got approx 144 boxes, the truck came and said i was here yesterday and the day before, do you need so many boxes , i said well it never came so i reordered the more the merrier, good to use to hold close the freezer with all the milks i got. I managed to send packages for my kids for Pesach, now i sent for Chanuka it is still in transit, hope the chanuka paper goods and presents get there on time for Purim.