[Reader Submitted] Dear Editor. I just wanted to let readers know that debit cards are not always accepted as cash. This morning I went to fill up gas at the Bp station on River Avenue and gave them my debit card, hoping to get the ‘cash’ price and not the .08 cent higher price for credit cards.
However, while he filled up my car, I see I was charged the more expensive price for credit cards and asked him why that was if I gave a debit card, which is usually used as cash?
He said, sorry, we don’t accept debit. So I asked him how my card went through if he didn’t accept debit? So he said he entered it as a credit card. “Sorry” he said, and handed me my receipt.
i was there this morning. i did not notice that there were 2 prices for cash and credit. thank you for bringing it to my attention.
they pay for every card transaction. That convenience for you not to carry cash, costs them money. so even tho its called credit- its not just credit, that includes debit too.
that sign really says
It’s not permitted by law to carge two seprate prices for cash and credit card.
was wondering the same how are they allowed to charge different for cash and credit!!
a cash discount is legal and permitted under all credit card companies rules. A cash discount offers a lower price for cash than credit; for example, many gasoline stations offer cash discounts. While this may merely be a loophole, it is permitted. What is not permitted by visa and mastercard is charging a surcharge for using the card – and this is illegal in general as well for all card types in some states not including NJ.
to #3 lakewood chachem: it’s not permitted to charge more for cc but you can charge less for cash/check! as a frum store owner i’d like to remind everyone please remember it costs us money to charge your credit AND DEBIT CARD. if you would like us to keep prices down please use cash or check.
the exxon station on kennedy and route 9 has the same shtik
it’s called fooling the public .
What about setting a minimum price? Is that accepted? I see this in almost every Lakewood store.
Unless I’m being fooled too, the new BP on River Avenue right by the lake charges the same price for both cash and credit.
its not shtick as a store owner we pay a percentage for a debit card runs the same as if I used a credit card.
another rule is that on every item sold it must display the cash price and the credit card price. This basically makes it extremely difficut to give a lower cash price on any store with multiple items. It is mostly used in a gas station with only 2-3 grades of gasoline so it is feasible to post seperate prices for cash/credit
Straight from Visa.com
“Minimum Purchase:
U.S. retailers may require a minimum purchase amount on credit card transactions. The minimum purchase amount must not exceed $10 and does not apply to transactions made with a debit card.”
So basicly a debit card should be just like cash….
Nxt time enter ur PIN! Otherwise its considers credit!
that is crasy
Do any of you read previous posts before you babel on??!
If not, read #2 and #6, who seems like a concerned, honest businessman!!
They get charged when you use any type of plastic and they pass the charges on to you. They have to make a profit, sometimes less than a penny a gallon. The new BP? They want your business, give them a month or so and see what happens.
Moral of the story: You want it cheaper, bring cash!!
“It’s not permitted by law to carge two seprate prices for cash and credit card.’ Not true as long as its posted its legal
By the way – you are talking about 2 different BP stations. The one by the lake does NOT charge more for credit. The one by Chestnut does.
By the way, since you see it costs the seller more when u pay by credit, try whenever possible to pay a yid with cash or check so he won’t have the extra expense.
If you notice the fine print on these cards they usually inform you that they enter as credit even though they may be debit cards. I know for sure the Visa/MC rebates that come in the form of debit cards are really processed as credit cards even though they say debit on the card. ALWAYS read the fine print. There always is fine print. Keep a magnifying glass handy though. It’s all in the small letters.
Not sure what the OP’s problem is. Where does it say anywhere that debit card is like cash?
7-11 on Route 9 has a $5.00 minimum for credit cards and NO MINIMUM FOR DEBIT!! So how can u have the chutzpa to say that debit costs the merchant the same amount as credit?
It cost the merchant less fees when u use a debit card as opposed to a credit card BUT ONLY IF U ENTER A PIN/ITS PROCESSED AS DEBIT- NOT CREDIT
I complained to 7-11 about the $5 limit and the sign is down as of last week. Also, when getting gas u can tell them “cash” after pumping give them a cc and they will have to give u the cash rate.
@22 says who?
ok genius. Debit is a transaction type whereby you enter your pin number and the funds are withdrawn directly from your account, Credit is exactly what it implies, the bank extends credit on your behalf to the merchant, and charges a higher fee for doing so. it makes no difference if you use debit or credit card.
you do realize that what you are proposing is straight out gezailh don’t you?