(Click on image to enlarge) EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: On Thursday, as EMS was about to learn of the final decision to cut their salary by 30%, Dealmed, a Frum Lakewood-based Medical Supplies company made good on their offer to the EMS. The company has offered to donate one year’s worth of Medical Supplies to the EMS Department. The company’s CEO, along with Dealmed’s Director of Operations Charlie Brieger, met with EMS Supervisor Scott Carter and were given a tour of the EMS building.
Dealmed Donates One Year Of Medical Supplies To EMS
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Can someone please explain this strange donation, this is the first time iv heard of a company donating to the goverment! What is the scoop???!
Is the media (you know who you are) going to write about this or they only write negative articles about Lakewood
Dealmed should pull their offer back or make a reduce offer since the EMS will only be employed until the end of 2010. Once again Lakewood Township is making out better than these EMTs.
dealmed, thank so much
For those that do not understand, a Frum company went out of their way and made a Kiddush Hashem as to help a local agency. We should applaud them for their great work!
Again, in hilchos tzdakah there are kedimos….. Whats the scoop??
its a kiddish hashem!
Yous is the onlt intelligent comment on this subject. We need more praise and greatfulness in this world and not blinded criticism
Shame on this committee to have to depend on a company to save you even more money.. DealMed you should be applauded, you make it known that not everyone is like certain committee members, Thank You for making the rest of the community look good. Maybe some members can take a lesson in EHTICS from you. Oh yeah HH for Mayor. Only 8 Months until this town is correctly run. HH you got my vote along with many others.. When you get into office you should give the EMS Dept their money back when you find where it was all hiding.
thanks dealmed
I’d like to know where all the people that wrote Anti-Semitic comments are now?? Did ANYONE from any group be it Hispanic,Black or senior community bring in 25 cents to help keep the EMS in place?!? It was a Jewish company that did that. Of course we’ll never hear about that in the media.
To TLS editor:is there any way you can get this into the APP? I’d like to see it there and the endless flow of praise for our community it will bring 🙂
I was serious about this question. The smiley at the end was just because I was being sarcastic that it will bring us praise in the APP
To TLS editor:is there any way you can get this into the APP? I’d like to see it there and the endless flow of praise for our community it will bring for our community 🙂
Don’t forget Hershel giving discount to EMS.
Hershel Hershel he’s the man if someone messes up Hershel will fix it up.
There’s no doubt that this company has an agenda the only question is what they are gaining from this mysterious donation. Chag Kasher V’Sameich to all.
To Simon:
Why always be so suspicious? Just because you can’t do a good deed doesn’t mean someone else cannot.
Didn’t Dealmed just donate things to Haiti? How can they donate things every day?
Hey TLC love your forum and your coverage I don’t have access to the VAAD but I know you do there seems to be an obvious disconect with them and the rest of the non orthodox community.We understand there’s religous diferences different races different wants and needs.But do you think when there making there decisions they take into account that they may be hurting other people in the community.I thought we were supposed to covit thy nieghbor.It just doesn’t appear that way.With all do respect, Be Blessed My Friends
Steve hill for mayor