Deadline Today to Change Party Affiliation ahead of NJ Primary; Link

gop dems electionsToday, April 13, is the last day for New Jerseyans to change their party affiliation ahead of the NJ Primary. The New Jersey primary will be taking place on June 7.

Click on the following link for voter information.


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  1. This is only if are affiliated with another party (eg registered Democrat or Republican). If you are unaffiliated, you can declare a specific party up to and including the day of the primary.

  2. Actually the link listed only takes you to the list of election officials and their office/contact info.

    The link below takes you to the page where you get the form to change party affiliation (called a Political Party Affiliation Declaration Form).

    In Ocean County you mail it to:
    Commissioner of Registration
    Mr. Wyatt Earp
    129 Hooper Avenue
    PO Box 2006
    Toms River, NJ 08754-2006
    (FAX) 732-506-5110
    Office Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm

  3. I’m registered Republican. I should’ve switched to Democrat. I can’t vote for the pathetic choices the Republicans gave us. Pray that Hillary wins.

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