Askonim involved in placing primary girls in schools for the upcoming school year requested that TLS remind parents that the deadline to submit a form is this Thursday, March 15. You can either call 732-901-9981 and leave a message with your name, phone number, and the name of your child, or email [email protected] and request a form.
Click here to download and email/fax form. (Zip File).
Forms emailed back will be processed quicker than those faxed. TLS.
Askonim, principals, those involved in the school acceptance process!! Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of the school issue. However, this issue needs to be addressed before the school application starts once again iy”h next year. We need to FIX this problem once and for all!
Open your eyes, your hearts – have rachmanus on this town..spare us from all these devstating tzoros that have been happening recently in lkwd.
IT IS time to wake up!!!! AND only YOU (the askan, the principal) can help!!
Stop this heartache and unecessary aggravation…the sheker and lashon hora that this issue creates is terrible (mind you the shalom bayis issues it causes as well).
I have been a victim of this twice (yes, i’m a regular yeshivish person, my husband went to work after 5 years in kollel)- once for my son and once for my daughter..b”h they are in wonderful schools and are doing well bh!
Let this be a zechus for those that need a refuah shleimah and for those seeking a yeshua!
can i email or fax about high school placement also ?
Your pleas should not be directed to the principals or schools . we need more schools and it takes a lot of money to make and run these schools . The existing schools and principals have done their job of making schools . It is now up to the rest of us to come up with the money . You can ask any Askan . If money were no object then this problem would disappear overnight . We woulld have an abundance of schools . As long as there are less seats than students then we will have this disaster on our hands .
We need a VAAD HACHINUCh badly in this town to monitor the schools about all this issues, about taking in ,about how teachers are allowed to dress and about throwing out employees etc., almost every school in town has noone really being asked any questions and they just do what they want and we parents have to just nod and keep quiet. my kids school decided to threaten my neighbor because she told another girl that she has a certain book in her house and the principal heard about it! the principal doesnt realize that half the school has internet and alot worse things in their houses!
I don’t think #1 was reffering to the lack of space, but rather to the attitude of SOME of the people involved that they can treat parents however they want just because they own/ run a school and the parent has a child. The number of lies that are told, the Lashon Hara, the threats, the degredation are totally unacceptable. I understand that there are not enough seats, and that there is pressure on you to take more students but that doesn’t excuse lying, it does not allow you to speak Loshon Hara (& I’m not talking about getting a reasonable amount of info before you accept someone). It does not mean that the parents who have not yet found a place are less of a human being and deserve less respect from you.
I know that there are MANY people involved in school placement who are amazing baalei chessed just out to help & I applaud them. (moderated)
Thanks #5. you got the point! Only someone that has been there..understands what this feels like. There are NO excuses for ppl in authorative positions to lie, humiliate and degrade people, talk lashon hora and cause sinas chinam.
As long as we as a community do not suipply the necessary funding ,the schools will be made by private individual volunteers who give of their time for the Klal . Just like in any other field ,there are always going to be many nice people and a few people who could use some help with their midos . The only way to correct this is for the Tzibur to tax everybody and come up with the many millions of dollars necessary to create schools owned and run by the Tzibur . Then the Tzibur can hire their administrators and fire them if their midos are not up to par .