Days Before His Petirah, Rav Chaim Wrote This Chilling Letter

[COMMUNICATD]  Several days before his tragic petirah, the greatest gadol of our generation signed a letter which he stated was of utmost importance. The following are some of the final words that Rav Chaim Kanievsky penned before he left us and this world forever: (Original below)

“Put your eyes and heart into these lines, hear the cry from the depths of a broken heart, for the dearest young boy, a talmid chochom, Avraham Tzvi Sheinfeld. He is getting married in the coming days, and he has nothing.

…One pen cannot describe what he experienced in the past few years, he strengthened himself by learning pages of Talmud in the Bet Midrash.

…We are calling out to you to participate in this rare mitzvah that has no end of reward. Stretch out your hand, and give a generous donation to help an orphaned groom and his kallah before their canopy.

In the merit of supporting the groom and the bride that they should not be ashamed on their wedding day, I am certain that the promise of our sages will be fulfilled and all those who donate will be blessed by the Father of all orphans with children, good and blessed descendants, with long life and abundant wealth, and they themselves should be saved from all heartache.

They and their families should merit to walk their own children down to the chuppah with health and much happiness, blessing, success, and nachas. They should merit to see great salvation in their homes, with great wealth and nachas.

This is a great and important mitzvah – R’ Yisroel Miller shlita, a member of the Badatz

I too join the above, it is a great mitzvah to help. All those who help in this matter should be blessed with what is written in Kesubos Daf Nun Amud Alef. – Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztz”l”


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