Dashcam Video: Who was at fault?

Video provided by Skillful Driving School.


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  1. The one who chose to make his own lane would seem to be at fault. How can the person turning be expected to look out for cars coming from lanes that don’t exist?

    (Should he have to look for cars driving along the sidewalk too as he drives into that parking lot?)

    • Legally? it would depend if there wan a right to turn there or not. Cant really see from the video

      Halachically? I think it would be the fault of the one one who is “meshaneh”, in which it seems obvious that the black car was.
      Though “dinah d’malchusa” would definitely have to be considered as well.

  2. They were both taking risks. They were both wrong. Also, crossing over a double yellow line is not allowed. No insurance payback here. Stay in your lane and make a left turn only when you are 100% sure it’s safe.

  3. I was hit at this exact location 3 years ago.

    You CAN NOT make a left turn into that plaza/street. The entrance is curved in a way that it only should allow right turns in.

    The driver who used the shoulder may be partially at fault, but it’s really the county’s incompetence since they haven’t updated the striping on the road to denote the beginning of the right turn lane. The recent construction there widened the shoulder and gives more length to the approaching right lane, thereby confusing drivers.

    Please please TLS, forward this footage to the county so they put up a “no left turn” sign and restripe the right lane to extend it further back down cross st.

  4. i did not see the video since its blocked by techloq but from the first comment ill say i think the person that made the lane is not necessarily at fault i know a case that someone turned and didnt notice someone else in a lane next to him that was a bus stop and the first was at fault

  5. We had the exact scenario a couple of years ago. We made a “legal” left turn into a parking lot, when someone driving up the shoulder hit us.
    Insurance put 70% of the blame on us, as the one that’s making the left turn, has the responsibility to make sure there is nothing coming the other direction.
    Even if the other driver was driving on the sidewalk, the fault would still be mostly on the driver turning left.
    The case went to arbitration and the court agreed with them…

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