Dashcam Video: Here’s Why You Need to Take it Slow on Icy Roads

A local driver was involved in a multi-vehicle accident, and it was all caught on his dashcam.

The accident happened during the snowstorm Sunday evening on Rt. 22 in Newark.

No injuries were reported.

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  1. Looks like he was driving very aggressively especially for that type of weather, causing the accident for several cars. why do people drive like that ?

    • I agree ,Its bad enough that there are drivers who drive like fools when the roads are dry but this shows you how stupid some drivers are even under such adverse conditions!

    • If you view the driver’s rear view camera , you should see that he was pushed into the car by a driver behind him! Please, people, install dash cams in your cars! I usually recommend the dual lens, second lens of the camera, to face the driver. However , we see here that a rear lens is important too. There are triple lens dash cams on the market.

    • All the Monday night football commentators…
      The video actually begins where he already had lost control, I don’t think you can deduce that he was driving aggressively at that point…

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