Dashcam Footage: How Accidents Happen

near mva rt 88VIDEO: Attached is a reader-submitted dashcam video, which shows just how accidents are caused. The video, captured on Route 88 this afternoon, shows a vehicle parked on the shoulder of the road, when the driver suddenly makes a U-turn in front of oncoming traffic.

The driver who captured the video slammed on the breaks, honked, and swerved around the vehicle avoiding a serious accident.

This video and other similar ‘Caught on Camera’ videos are posted on TLS for all to see as an awareness to use more caution on the roads, and perhaps prevent serious accidents by exercising more courteous driving habits. TSL-24 A/B.

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  1. First the positive….
    Good and quick reaction by the driver. Glad they were alert and paying attention.

    Now the negative….
    1. This does not take place in Lakewood (this time) as that is clearly Brick east of Kmart on RT88.
    2. Granted video can often make it seem the vehicle is going faster then it is on dash-cams but the speed limit on that section of RT88 is 35mph and the vehicle seems like it is going at least 45mph. If that is the case the horn blowing and quick jerking of the wheel would not have been necessary had they been driving the speed limit.

    Traffic signs e.g. stop signs, yield signs, no left turn signs, speed limit signs, etc. are not suggestions they are the law of the land.

  2. Why not use your Dashcam as a metaphor? Just as your camera is watching and recording the “sins” of others, Hashem’s camera is watching and recording your every move. Are all your actions squeaky clean? Think about it. It’s almost Elul. This goes for all of us, not just Dashcam Guy.

  3. It’s a wide angle lens it makes it look much faster than it really is. If you really want to know that badly go down theere and measure the distance between the telephone poles then use a stopwatch on the video….

  4. What I don’t understand is why these illegal u-turns occur so often and how people can be so dumb as to perform them without carefully checking the oncoming traffic from both directions. In past years, I’ve been in an accident with a driver who did this, witnessed two more in front of me and, about a month ago, avoided three near-misses in ONE DAY (thank G-d!).

    By the way, the real “criminal” here is the guy doing an ILLEGAL u-turn, not the guy who may or may not be doing a few miles over the speed limit (which I’m sure everyone who commented/complained here does and it rarely results in accidents, unlike the actions of the illegal u-turners).

  5. ur an awesome driver! hope ur ok! dnt get y everyones focusing on the driver wen u shud b rly focusing on the idiot who made an illegal uturn on a busy ave in middle of the day nearly harming this driver!

  6. its tough to tell via the footage while he is driving, exactly how fast he was going…
    but at the moment he hits his brakes, that skid-mark can tell you a lot.
    he certainly was not going the speed limit. he was going around 45mph.(thats 10mph ABOVE the limit)

    dash cam guy- and anyone else who thinks they are some video vigilantes: before you catch yourself in a precarious situation, watch yourself for a while. be honest with yourself, and the mistakes YOU do.

  7. Stop attacking the Dashcam. Someone is just trying to point out that these u-turns are very dangerous. They are pointing it out for your safety and because they want you to be ok!
    Why be so negative all the time? So maybe the dashcam driver was speeding, who cares. We all speed sometimes.

  8. It is everyone’s responsibility to drive safely. Expect the “other guy” to drive badly. Defensive driving saves life and treasure.

  9. i think you should go live in another town for a few months so you can realize that there are bad drivers everywhere and bad accidents happen everywhere. Lakewood happens to have great news coverage thanks to TLS and that is why we see every slight accident that happens. Find another town that has such excellent news coverage and i’m sure you will find an equal amount of results of car accidents and traffic safety issues. fly a kite.

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