[LIST OF SHIURIM AROUND LAKEWOOD] Today, tens of thousands of Yidden around the globe completed Mesechta Chagiga, the final Mesechta in Seder Moed. On Monday, the Daf Yomi cycle will begin Seder Noshim, beginning with Mesechta Yevamos.
Attached, is an updated list of the many Daf Yomi Shiurim around town, held at various times of the morning and evening.
If you’d like have your Daf Yomi Shiur added to the list, or updated, please call 732-660-8233.
We are so proud of all the members who are moser nefesh to be part of this wonderful shiur !!!! It is really not easy to get up an hour earlier and it puts a whole new spin on your day and on Lakewood’s day !!!!!
Brocha v’hatzlocha to all them members