[LIST OF SHIURIM AROUND LAKEWOOD] Today, tens of thousands of Yidden around the globe began/will begin Mesechtas Sanhedrin.
Attached, is an updated list of the many Daf Yomi Shiurim around town, held at various times of the morning and evening.
If you’d like have your Daf Yomi Shiur added to the list, or updated, please email [email protected].
You can also download the Lakewood Daf Yomi app for the iPhone and Android here.
K’Hal anshei Slard?
An energy infused & engaging Daf Yomi Shuir
Lakewood Daf Yomi Chaburah
http://www.LakewoodDafYomi.com | [email protected]
Get/Review The APP: Apple/iOS | Android/Google Play
Location: 27 Grassmere Street, Lakewood NJ
Daf Live Call-in [Phone+Shiur ID] (712) 432-1212;886847294
Text Updates: Text “40404” with this message “follow DafYomiLkwd”
Coventry has Two shiurim
Ive tried several shiurim in our choshever town. IMHO, an excellent morning one is R’ Yidel Follman, in Bais Mordche (1455 Heathwood) 6:25. Amazingly clear and smooth. An excellent night one is R Shimon Prag, Coventry shul, downstairs, 8:55. Very interactive, alot of Rayd, and alot of pilpul Chaveirim. Om a good night, when passions run high, there can even be screaming amongst the attendees. Not by me, tho. Im the quiet mekeleh in the back.