A new Israeli medicine has shown promising results in treating COVID-19 in moderate to severe cases, raising hopes that a powerful cure is within reach.
According to researchers at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital, the drug, named EXO-CD24, has been used with incredible results on a small sampling of patients, in a test run that shows its effectiveness is worthy of more research. Professor Nadir Arber, who helped develop the drug, said that it is inexpensive and is given in a once-per-day for five days regimen.
Of 30 patients who were given the drug, 29 showed tremendous improvement within two days, and were released from the hospital within five days. The 30th patient also recovered but it took slightly longer.
Another drug called Allocetra was administered at Hadassah Medical Center in Yerushalayim to 21 patients in critical condition with underlying health issues. According to doctors, 19 of the patients recovered within six days and left the hospital several days later.
This does not mean that a cure for corona is around the corner. Both of these drugs were so far only given to a very small number of patients, albeit with fantastic results. But we can at least hope that the promise they show will be able to be replicated with more and more patients, eventually hopefully banning the horrible effects of this virus for good.
I hope it works. But this particular study is very weak. No control group. Maybe these people were all under 20 years old?
Ivermectin (a drug known for it’s anti-parasite properties) is safe and may be very effective at treating COVID-19 according to many clinical trials.
Ask your doctor if Ivermectin is worth trying. While the NIH is not yet convinced, many doctors, including a former surgeon general of the U.S., have been urging practitioners to try it. The risk is minimal. We can’t wait for perfect evidence. Other doctors, including nobel prize winner Dr. Thomas Borody, believe that the evidence in favor of Ivermectin is already pretty strong.
Ivermectin with D and tetracycline has shown to cure 100 percent with early treatment with no side effects by dr Borody who made the cure for peptic ulcers with off label drugs. He is a international famous doctor and scientist and should not be taken lightly.
Why are they not treating patients in Israel with other therapies until these new drugs come on line?
Why are Monoclonal Antibodies, that are being used here very successfully not being used?
Is it because Pfizer is using the Israeli population as a “testbed” for their vaccine, treating Covid patients successfully with Antibodies would mess up the study?
There are already proven cures.
Go to covid19criticalcare.com to learn about Ivermectin.
Go to vladimirzelenkomd.com to learn about hydroxy and zinc. And most important, go to this article and understand what is really going on: “NY doctor proved everyone wrong about hydroxychloroquine.”
In addition there is the Someach hotline 732-401-9100 or 212-419-8189, and in Israel, Rabbi Uri Sofer in Bnei Brak has helpful info: 0533100170
Why do some doctors in this town and elsewhere refuse to believe in these treatments?
And doctors can talk “from today until tomorrow” about how safe the vaccines are, but the bottom line is that even the manufacturers themselves cannot vouch for their safety – either in regard to pregnant women’s safety or anyone else’s safety.
If they are so safe then why do the manufacturers (and those who administer them) do not want and do not have financial liability in case of severe affects or death?
Always remember the vaccines have not yet been APPROVED or LICENSED by the FDA. They are being used under EUA because “there are no other medical treatments available.” Really???
Everything you wrote is absolutely true. Well said! Hashem has blinded some people. I daven He should open people’s eyes before it’s too late CV.
There are many other natural treatments as well that are being used successfully, but most people would rather go mainstream. Whatever a person is comfortable with, but there are many options by now BH
In Israel you can also call Chasdei Amram at 053-312-2338 Or the covid hotline (for listening) 02-579-5098 for advice – 058-326-8992