Curb And Sidewalk Improvements On Route 88/Other Construction Nearby

sidewalkPlease be aware the New Jersey Department of Transportation is continuing the curb and sidewalk improvement program on State Highway 88. Construction crews will be working on State Highway 88 between Holy Street and approximately the entrance of Ocean County Park. Curb and sidewalk replacement will be completed on both sides of the highway. Motorists can expect lane closures Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM. A detour is established by the Department of Transportation utilizing South Clover Street, Cedarbridge Avenue and New Hampshire Avenue. Local residents will always have access to their homes. Through traffic must use the posted detour.

Motorists can expect delays and are urged to find alternate routes.

Drivers of emergency and service vehicles will have access through the work zone but must exercise extreme caution.

This work will continue (weather permitting) for several weeks.

Please also be aware, that Pearl Street will be closed between Bruce Street and Woehr Avenue Wednesday, March 24th and Thursday, March 25th between the hours of 9:00 AM and approximately 5:00 PM each day.

This closure is necessary to allow New Jersey American Water Company and Henkels and McCoy Contracting access to utilities beneath the street.

Motorists are instructed to follow posted detours around the work zone.

Local residents (within the work zone) will always have access to their homes.

Drivers of emergency and service vehicles should plan alternate routes through the area.

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