Cry Out We Must – Our Time Has Arrived

By Aaron Joseph. This was a hard week for Klal Yisroel. Mass media delivers the instant in full color and sound. We are not shielded by time or space or lack of detail. We live in the moment- anywhere and everywhere around the globe. There are many adjectives that together- perhaps- can adequately convey the emotions we as an Am Yisroel feel after witnessing and living through this past week.

A pillar of our world- of Torah itself- so suddenly taken away. The sudden dimming of Kedusha on this world, the immediate absence of the all encompassing Halacha and Torah knowledge. A beacon of our nation extinguished here on this world. No- its not the first time this year unfortunately. Not even the second or third.

A family bereaved of an 8 year old sister and daughter who was running for her life- a mother and wife bereaved of her son, and…. another son, and her husband- the father of those precious children….

Another Godol B’Torah rushed to an intensive care hospital unit in critical condition.

We all as an Am Yisroel are suffering. We are an Am Kshei Oraif- yet still- the pain is real. It surrounds us – our hearts collectively are bursting.

I’ve neither words of wisdom nor any advice.

We have survived many harsh realities throughout 2,000 years of exile. During a previous exile in Egypt G-D understood through the intensity of his people’s cries that they could no longer endure the torment of their oppressors. G-D redeemed his chosen nation earlier than he intended- because of their cries- as is recorded in Exodus. G-D heard their cries. And responded accordingly. We were redeemed.

This week we have all been given ample reason to cry. We who can comprehend the Torah world were given the additional ultra sensitive school children scenario in France to strike even further into our souls. All senses were evoked this week- the entire spectrum of emotion utilized. No one of any stripe was left unaffected.

It is my prayer that during this season of redemption our cries will rise up and G-D will hear our cries. And respond.

Cry out we must. It is our time. It is our season of redemption. The time is now. Even if it is not our time, our servitude to an exile has been reduced before. G-D will never forsake his chosen people. G-D will hearken to our cries. G-D can and will reduce our time in exile. We can and will be redeemed.

Cry out we must.

(Photo credit: YWN).

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  1. i Agree that NOW is the time for TESHUVA & don’t wait until tomorrow or force Hashem to put us into any more Tragic events or gedolim leaving us

    let us all come togerther as one nation & do TESHUVA TOGETHER NOW so mashiach can come

  2. I think it is time for the Rabbonim to hold an asifa & tell Klal Yisroel what Hashem wants from us… The story this week is France is just terrible! These were innocent kedoshim who were murdered in cold blood for being Jewish. The only regret of the murderer is that he hadn’t killed more jews! We are lucky that Hashem didn’t allow this animal to kill any more jews than he did.. but, let us realize that this is all coming from Hashem… he’s screaming to us.. wake up.. do teshuva.. the image of a ruthless animal pulling the hair of a little girl to shoot her straight into her brain & shooting an explosive bullet into a young boy to damage his vital organs so that even if he survives, what kind of life will that be anyway??!! Hashem is speaking to us.. How many more karbanos do we need?? We have to be really cruel to go on with our daily life without doing some kind of cheshbon hanefesh.. I hope the Rabbonim can speak out to Klal Yisroel & tell us what Hashem wants from us.

  3. Wow. Razor sharp article each word is weighty.

    Who really wrote this? It is not the words of some plain writer! (although he usually is good)

  4. I take exception to your comments. What are you thinking? This is a public forum and to make those type of comments is inappropriate, uncharitable, and certainly not in line with your hopefully jewish upbringing. Somebody is trying to be me’orer the olam, why do you have to blur the whole concept with your little critique? Who asked you? If it is ona’as devarim to insult somebody, then why would you risk the chance of insulting somebody in a place where your words are truly given wings to fly and cause unlimited ona’ah. I apologize if my words are unkind, but i really think you should consider the fact that you cannot publish comments like that. To the author – i think your article is great and i appreciate somebody putting to eloquent words the feelings that we are all having. May we merit the Geulah speedily in our days.

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