Cruz Welcomes Endorsements From More than Three-Dozen Jewish Leaders; List of Coalition

cruzPresidential candidate Ted Cruz today announced the formation of a Jewish leadership coalition featuring a diverse group of rabbis, business, and community leaders from around the country.

“Since the day we announced our campaign, we have been honored to see tremendous support from the Jewish community.” Cruz said. “I have been privileged to speak at synagogue services from New York to California to Florida, to celebrate Passover Seders with my friends in Texas, and to participate in events with Elie Wiesel and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. My commitment to the nation of Israel and the Jewish people began long before my days as a senator or presidential candidate: it began with the experience my father had as a refugee fleeing oppression in Cuba to come to this country. As president, I will stand unapologetically with Israel, prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and cut off federal funding to any institution that adopts B.D.S. measures.”

Last summer, Cruz brought together Jewish, evangelical, and conservative groups in an attempt to stop the disastrous Iran nuclear deal.

Sarah Stern, President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth, said, “I have worked with many congressional offices for many years, and there is no stronger advocate for Israel and the Jewish people than Ted. We have worked closely on bringing justice to victims of Iranian and Palestinian terror and stopping the Iranian nuclear deal. Speaking as an individual, I cannot wait to work with President Cruz and turn our country around.”

Rabbi Zev Reichman, Rabbi in Englewood, NJ, and director at Yeshiva University said, “Ted Cruz has impressed me with his deep respect for people of faith, his dedication to protecting the US homeland, and his unflinching support for America’s greatest ally in the Middle East, the nation of Israel. A few months ago I had the privilege of spending time with Ted. He displayed a deep regard for daily Talmud study and Jewish religious practice. His respect for the beliefs of others is inspiring. I feel confident that President Cruz will defend religious liberty and preserve our First Amendment rights.”

“America and the West face an existential threat to our way of life from radical Islamic terrorists,” Reichman continued. “Cruz has been a leader in identifying this threat and boldly taking action to protect American lives. Ted has demonstrated foresight, understanding, and good judgment. Most importantly, he has demonstrated time and again that he is a leader with integrity, strength, and courage. He has introduced legislation to prevent terrorists from coming to the US and to choke off their funding. Most significantly, when the Iran deal was coming to Congress for a vote he led the efforts to stop this catastrophic deal.

“On October 6, 1943 hundreds of Rabbis marched in Washington pleading with elected officials to step in and address the dangers to Jews in Europe. President Roosevelt refused to meet with them. Their pleas for help fell on deaf ears. Millions of Jewish lives were lost.

“The Iranian regime threatens to do in six minutes what Hitler did in six years. They openly declare their hope to wipe Israel off the map. The Iranian nuclear deal has awarded this hideous regime billions of dollars, international legitimacy, and hundreds of billions of dollars of future economic growth. On September 9, 2015, hundreds of Rabbis returned to Washington to plead with elected officials to step in and reject the Iranian nuclear deal. Ted Cruz stood with us and led at that moment. President Cruz will tear up the Iran deal on his first day in office. The stakes for America, the West, and the Israel have rarely been higher. I hope and pray that the Almighty will help Ted Cruz become the next President of the United States and leader of the free world.”

This Jewish leadership coalition is in addition to a group of 25 Orthodox rabbis who endorsed Senator Cruz in December of 2015.

The following individuals are part of the leadership coalition:

Ken Abramowitz, Connecticut
Raanan Agus, New York
Dr. Alan Berger, New Jersey
Dr. Marc Berger, New York
Dr. Ben Chouake, NORPAC President, New Jersey
Edward Czuker, California
Elissa Czuker, California
Rabbi Pini Dunner, California
Joseph Frager, New York
Saul Gamoran, Washington
Eli Gold, London Center for Policy Research, Maryland
Todd Hanik, Maryland
Rabbi Shmully Hecht, Founder, Yale Shabtai Society, Connecticut
David Horwitz, New York
Benjamin Klein, New Jersey
Batya Klein, New Jersey
Melissa Jane Kronfeld, New York
Hon. Adam Kwasman, Former Arizona State Representative, Arizona
Orit Kwasman, Faith & Freedom Coalition, Arizona
Barbara Ledeen, Maryland
Dr. Michael Ledeen, Foundation for Defense of Democracy, Maryland
Esther Lerer, New Jersey
Arie Lipnick, Washington, DC
Steven Mitzner, Texas
Ira Mitzner, Texas
Kevin Pailet, Texas
Rabbi Shlomo Pollak, New Jersey
Rabbi Elchanan Poupko, New York
Rabbi Zev Reichman, Yeshiva University, New Jersey
Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt, Texas
Dr. Pejman Salimpour, California
Dr. Joseph Schwartz, New Jersey
Chaya Schwartz, New Jersey
Trudy Stern, New York
Sarah Stern, President, Endowment for Middle East Truth, Maryland


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  1. I like Ted Cruz, I believe he is a true conservative and would like to see him president BUT – he can’t and won’t win. Trump is the guy that can win and will support israel – I think way more than he wants people to know. He is the only asymmetric candidate that can take out Hillary and get a large crossover vote of independents and democrats

  2. @Yonaton Its so sad when I see people from unzera that are conned by this guy. You really believe in a guy who has never had anyone’s back but his own- to have your back if elected to the highest office? How naive can you be? A man who embraces bigotry to gain popularity? A man who has no morals? So sad that you’ve been so fooled.

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