CPSC Takes Action to Crack Down on ATV Dangers

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted to terminate EGL Motor Inc.’s All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Action Plan. The termination makes it unlawful for EGL to import or distribute its ATVs in the United States.

ATV-related fatalities continue to be one of the largest categories of consumer product related deaths, with children under age 16 at proportionally high risk of fatality (3,353 fatalities of children under age 16, 1982-2018).  Prior to importing or distributing ATVs in the United States, manufacturers, importers or distributors of ATVs are required to have a Commission-approved ATV Action Plan. ATV Action Plans outline federal legal requirements designed to protect users and minimize the risk of injury and death of youth-aged riders by preventing use of ATVs not intended for their age group.

The Commission approved EGL’s ATV Action Plan, dated October 30, 2017.

CPSC has issued EGL Motor multiple Notices of Violations for its failure to comply with its federal ATV requirements. These violations include:

  • Failing to ensure ATVs that obtain speeds permitted only for adult category ATVs are not marketed or sold to younger riders.
  • Failing mandatory ATV safety standards provisions, including, but not limited to speed, parking brake, and handlebar requirements.
  • Failing to timely submit the results of its dealer monitoring program, which ensures dealers make proper age recommendations and offer safety materials.

Since 2022, EGL Motor and CPSC have announced three recalls for approximately 7,400 units of EGL-branded and Ace-branded youth ATVs due to injury hazards and violation of federal mandatory ATV safety standard.

Recalls linked below:

EGL Motor Recalls Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) Due to Injury Hazard and Violation of Federal ATV Safety Standard | CPSC.gov

EGL Motor Recalls EGL and ACE-branded Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) Due to Violations of Federal ATV Safety Standard; Risk of Serious Injury or Death | CPSC.gov

EGL Motor Recalls ACE-branded Youth All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) Due to Violation of Federal ATV Safety Standard; Risk of Serious Injury or Death | CPSC.gov

As a result of EGL failing to meet the obligations of its Action Plan, on June 21, 2023, the Commission voted to terminate EGL’s Action Plan, for its repeated failure to comply with the requirements of the Action Plan, its inability to meet the obligations of its Action Plan, and repeated violations of the mandatory safety standard ANSI-SVIA 1-2017. ATVs that fail to meet the mandatory safety requirements pose a risk of serious injury and death.

The Commission vote was 3-1.

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  1. Instead of more developments going up, how about dedicating some space where these vehicles can be ridden safely. Hiring qualified instructors would also be very beneficial to the riders. This activity could be an enjoyable outlet to the bacureem.

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