What is Covey, and is it for me?

hasagot-institute[COMMUNICATED] The calls are pouring in. “I keep on hearing about Covey and the 7 Habits Course. It sounds good, but what will I gain?”

Managing your time effectively with a clear personal vision is one of the greatest challenges nowadays. Smartphones, emails and hands-free headsets ensure that we are always on call, constantly being pulled in different directions.

How do you ‘cut through the clutter,’ decide what’s important, and give it your best attention?

Enter The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People from FranklinCovey- a powerful course specializing in performance improvement and achieving results that require a change in human behavior.

•You’ll learn how to take charge of your future and achieve the goals you always wanted.
•You’ll be less crisis-driven and in control of your time.
•You’ll build stronger-more productive-relationships.
•You’ll discover ways to both solve problems and build relationships simultaneously.
•You’ll deal with conflict effectively.
•You’ll find yourself growing and improving,while living a purposeful life.
•Above all, you’ll have greater work and life balance

In response to the overwhelming request for more information, Hasagot is presenting a free mini-session at 8.30 pm, this coming Sunday, at 165 Regent Place, for participants to taste a sampling of the Covey experience. This course will radically alter your life for the better, because at Hasagot we fervently believe that you didn’t come this far to only come this far.

For more information and to RSVP:

Call Hasagot at 732.903.2122 or email [email protected]

Check out our website at hasagot.com

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