We’ve been hearing the saying “tough economic times” for the past few years now and the way things are going, could this be the new norm. In Ocean County, officials have been as diligent as possible at trimming the fat, cutting waste and only spending on vital and necessary programs.
A hiring freeze has been in place for years and they were awarded with the coveted Triple A Bond Rating. But a new lawsuit from the Atlantic City Rescue Mission over the homeless issue in the County could through a wrench in those very plans.
With police contract arbitration, already existing court costs in the main homeless lawsuit and the two percent property tax cap mandated by the state of New Jersey, the last thing Ocean County Government needed was additional litigation. The Atlantic County based homeless advocates are seeking a hefty sum of $2-million for reimbursements for their help of those in need within our County borders.
Facing tough budgetary choices is nothing new for the County but some are concerned about what’s in the treasury already. Could the additional legal fees and a possible settlement affect those vital County services and programs? County Administrator Carl Block says they’re working to avoid that at all costs but things may have to be trimmed depending on the result.
Block says “we will still provide pothole repairs, still plow the roads this Winter, the inmates will still be housed at the County jail. But other extras may need to be looked at again. We don’t want it to come to this. Read more in WOBM.