The County is considering placing a traffic light at the intersection of Cedarbridge Avenue and Vine Street, the Lakewood Shopper reports.
According to the report, the County began a traffic study for the intersection – which has been the scene of numerous accidents, including multiple accidents involving pedestrians.
The Mayor welcomed the consideration, stating that there are still plans to complete Vine Street to help alleviate traffic.
Still plans?? This has been talked abt for YEARS, that there is money set aside for it……
Honestly there is too many lights on that road. Instead of lights how about cops do their jobs and pull people over who violate traffic rules, like running stop signs, not putting their singles on when turning so on and so on.
How about some smart growth with legal u turns?
Shopping centers with responsible planning involved so cars can get in and out safely?!?!!
Unbelievable they will put it anywhere but pine and mlk where it’s needed desperately. Go lakewood
I’m all with you on that no reason there is no traffic light there
Long overdue at that intersection. With all the traffic from the Washington Square Apartments and the strip mall. Now get the light up and pave Vine St. How they allowed the building on new houses on a paper street that is nothing but a dirt road is unbelievable. Developer should have been required to put in the street. Now the taxpayers of Lakewood will be on the hook for that bill.
In the meantime – if they really care to alleviate some of the traffic… They can pave the small part of Arlington and Pine… Will be much cheaper and quicker than waiting for them to “finish Vine” and “Widen Rt. 9” …
I’m not sure who responsible but we need left turn signals in town Bad
It’s look like the people responsible do not drive in Lakewood.
As far as Pine and MLK, I agree 1000% that we need a light thre,m but this is a county project whereas Pine Street is a township road and would need township approval/funds for it so no comparison. My question is why is there no light by Cedarbridge and Avenue of the States??
Bec that is a city rd and the twnshp will have to pay for it
Hey christina, you think you can do a better job, strap on a gun and vest and work a shift…I bet you’ll run crying all the way home
To many lights and stop signs already!
there needs to be more traffic lights in this town and police got to be a little more strict
How is it possible that the end of Arlington, reaching Pine is not paved?? Paper plans always showed it to be going through… That would be the quickest,cheapest and bestvway to alleviate traffic between Pine and Cedarbridge. Please Township, look into this.
To all the people complaining about too many lights- not sure what’s not clear- when you have a fast moving road and intersecting traffic from a shopping center; a traffic light is very prudent.
That’s what they’re made for.
Whats going on with that money actually. they bonded a lot of money a few years ago. Never got a shovel in the ground….
Lower the speed limit to 25mph on that end and 35 east of Clover to the parkway.
Cedar bridge needs a slower speed limit, wider median, and turning lanes – there are too many accidents. Avenue of the States needs a Stop light as it’s too dangerous a turn with too much traffic-stressed-drivers trying to get onto cedarbridge.
Why do some ppl feel the need to reinvent the wheel. Weve been down the “lets open Arlington” road and came to the conclusion that 1. The street is too narrow. 2. There will be too much congestion buildup trying to make a turn onto Cedarbridge. So we will then be back to where we began. Trying to find a way to alleviate traffic buildup. Opening Vine, which has the ability to be wide enough for 2 way traffic, and can have a traffic light at the Cedarbridge intersection makes the most sense. Im not sure why it has to take soooo many years to get it done.
#20 problem is that after vine is developed the road will look the same wide as arlington with cars parked on both sides of the road