FIRST REPORT: [VIDEO OF BOARD VOTE – MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL] The Ocean County Clerk has just confirmed that the School Board Elections will be taking place in November. After this week’s re-vote to switch the election to November, the Clerk still had to receive the proper documentation for the change to take effect.
The Clerk received that information moments ago, an official confirmed to TLS.
Additionally, the deadline to register to run for the board has been adjusted to June 5.
View video below of the motion and the tense reaction during the vote to switch the elections. Please note. The video may not be appropriate for all audiences. TLS.
“Please go to and read all 17 questions posed by Pastor Glenn Wilson to the Lakewood BOE. Then ask yourself why that Board did not answer even a single question. A very conflicted Board.”
How can public, elected officials get away with not responding to those who elected them? Whom are they really serving?
We must get more LAC-backed members onto the Board of Ed. These guys are trying to clean up, but they are only 4 out of 9. We need at least one more.
The current 4 are:
Yoni (jonathan) Silver – up for reelection
Chezky Zeitler
Carl Fink
Isaac Zlatkin
BE ADVISED: Commentators on TLS who post comments against these four fine gentlemen should also please explain.
Be informed. Speak to your local LAC representative and find out how you can help the effort to stop the runaway school district taxes and the corruption in the school district.
How come it took the threat of a County Prosecutor’s investigation to get the vote results unblocked and forwarded by The District to the County Clerk, so the election can be held in November?
Someone need to answer these questions raised by Pastor Wilson, what is being hidden that they are silent ?
The BOE pushed off elections to November to TAKE AWAY our right to vote down their rediculous 3.3million dollar increase in budget.
let me get this, we’re fighting and making noise about 150k regarding the fire budget. Hullo? These BOE clowns are increasing their budget by over THREE MILLION dollars. Wheres the outcry?
the increase isn’t due to bussing this year, as a matter of fact the bussing line item went down!
it’s about time the board did something for the people of lakewood.
The board is not increasing the budget 5.2 million dollars. We have over 2000 more children entering both the private and public school system next year. Don’t be fooled by people telling you busing will go down. Use your common sense!!!!.
If in fact the initial budget was ready months ago
why was the board just shown a week before it’s due in to Ocean County. I will tell you why, because it’s a scam……..
keep in mind the budget that you are hearing about includes a new roof for the middle school estimated at $3.2 million dollars and an increase to the teachers for the third year of there contract. If you take everything out of the equation there should not be an increase to the school budget. Busing will not be effected either.
The move to a November elction will give the public a real choice of candidates to pick from. This move will help Lakewood.
Good job, BOE
who is this person yelling at? Is it another board member. I think someone needs to be in an anger management course.
I hope he is not a teacher…….
great job,
D I S G U S T I N G B E H A V I O R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can see why there was a warning about this video. I too was offended, offended about how amateurish, unorganized and the undignified this vote was and the behavior of some of the board members. Loved Ms. Miccios comment about missing the circus of this board.
$3.2M for a roof? You can build a 30,000 sf building for less than that. Who is not watching the store???
TLS, please get and post all the bids received, along with proof of the advertisement. It’s public record.
What raise for the third year of the teachers contract? They haven’t been given on for the last two years.
Board attorney conducts meetings and publicly threatens a Board Member not to “—- him off” – on camera – and gets away with it??
Welcome to Lakewood NJ BOE.
Anyone still wondering what needs to be changed?
Doesnt anyone see whats wrong with this picture ?
What a Chillul Hashem
Peace, love, harmony, moderation, respect, and decency were all absent at this meeting. This is more like a street fight than a meeting of the BOE. However, this is Lakewood, where special interests, with their own agenda often prevail, even to the detriment and best interest of the School District.
It was difficult, to say the least, but fair-minded members of the BOE won the day, by siding with members of the public. Overcoming powerful opposition, such as was demonstrated at this meeting, is commendable,
This is why it is important for all BOE members to attend all BOE meetings from beginning to end. Members cannot cast a vote, if they are not present. Every issue that comes before the BOE is important. Members need to understand this simple issue.
Meanwhile; Congratulations on gaining a majority of BOE members support for these significant issues.
Yoni (jonathan) Silver – up for reelection, Chezky Zeitler, Carl Fink, and Isaac Zlatkin deserve a pat on the back. Ms. Miiccio gets honorable mention for rising to the occasion this time.
Mr. Hobday, thank you so much for your kind words.
Ms Miccio needs to go, I think she is only there to cast the attorney’s vote as he keeps manipulating the way she and a few others votes…
Y Dosent video work on BB? You tube?
In my previous commentary (21), I inadvertently left out a pat on the back to Board VP, Mr. Tracey Tift, who also voted in favor of this issue.
I also need to note that Mr. Zlatkin was absent, and therefore, his voice was not heard.
When will the Lakewood School District seat a BOE where all of the members accept their duties and responsibilities to help the School District through these troubled times, by being there and casting their vote.
Only then will voters know their position on the issues. Until then, I will support members of the BOE that show up and vote for issues brought before them. I may not agree with each vote, but at least I would be assured that back room politics are not the major factor in determining the outcome.