VIDEO: Assemblyman Craig J. Coughlin (D-Middlesex) on Monday spoke about the reintroduction of legislation for the ‘Back to Work NJ’ jobs creation initiative as a one-year pilot program. Coughlin is a member of the Assembly Labor Committee, which favorably released the bill.
The measure (A-4332), sponsored by Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver (D-Essex), which would allow unemployed New Jerseyans to receive on-the-job training from potential employers, remains a centerpiece of the Democratic legislative efforts to create jobs and reinvigorate the state’s economy. A previous version of the measure was approved by the Legislature in January but vetoed by Gov. Chris Christie in February, despite the success of a similar program in Georgia and the inclusion of the concept in the President’s job creation package.
The bill permits eligible unemployed New Jerseyans to continue receiving unemployment insurance benefits while placed in on-the-job training with an eligible employer for a maximum of 24 hours per week for up to six weeks. It provides each trainee up to $100 a week to help defray training-related costs and is voluntary for both workers and employers.
A transcript of comments from Assemblyman Coughlin is appended below:
Assemblyman Craig J. Coughlin (D-Middlesex):
“’Back to Work New Jersey’ is a bill that allows folks receiving unemployment benefits to receive workplace job training, up to 24 hours a week for a six week period, at no cost to employers.”
“The governor vetoed the last bill; it had a price tag of $10 million. The current bill is capped at $3 million.”
“It’s good for workers and employers, to tell you the truth. It’s good for workers because it gives them the opportunity to obtain training while still receiving unemployment benefits. For employers, they get to meet potential job holders, and they get the chance to do that without the obligation to hire them and without any direct cost.”
“The bill, as it stands, is designed to be a one year program; it has a one year cap on it. But it does provide a mechanism for assessing its effectiveness. If it demonstrates it’s a way to get New Jerseyans back to work, then it’s something we can consider to extend for the longer term in the future.” TLS.
A-3584/S-2496 Creates “Back to Work NJ Program”, which is modeled after the Georgia Works program that allows unemployed job seekers to receive workplace training from a potential employer.
Also passed:
A-1676/S-1646 Modifies the business tax formula used to determine the corporate income subject to tax by the state from a three-factor formula to a single sales factor formula
A-3389/S-2370 Expands the state’s Business Relocation and Retention Assistance Grant program to allow more companies to benefit.
A-1458/S-2286 Creates a “Banking Development District Program” to encourage the establishment of branches in areas where there is a demonstrated need for banking services.
A-3535/S-1540 Gives small business owners the same ability to recoup losses over 20 years that large corporations have under legislation that was signed into law two years ago
A-3592/S-2454 New Jersey Angel Investor Tax Act, provides credits against corporation business and gross income taxes for investing in emerging technology businesses.
A-3513/S-2544 Creates a loan forgiveness program for students who pursue a field that has a labor shortage.
A 3308/S-2314 Creates state contract set-aside program for veteran-owned businesses.
A-3143/S-2183 Expands eligibility for investors to take advantage of state tax credits for mixed-used developments projects located near urban transit centers.
A-3353/S-2545 Establishes a closing fund to give financial assistance to business and industry projects to spur economic development.
Now we need to know how to access them.
Where do we sign-up??????????
Of course the article mentions how Christie vetoed a similar bill. How could we not mention that? If we wouldn’t mention it, and use it as an excuse to bash the Republican (who is trying to save the state), what’s the point of the article?
Anyone have a clue how we are supposed to pay for this? The state has no money for it. Maybe by raising taxes on all the people who work for a living to support their children.
You know, I really want the Democrats to pass a law in NJ that would take all the money from anyone making more than $50,000 and just give it to everyone else who is on Food Stamps. That would really help the poor people.
Oh, the Democrats won’t do that? I guess they’re just as bad as Christie who doesn’t want to raise taxes on people that work to pay for people who don’t work.
Looks like Europe is about to explode due to the socialists and liberals spending and borrowing and taxing too much.
Do we want to go down the same path?????
“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money”
~~~~Margaret Thatcher
I’m lost with your reasoning. I’m very against programs but don’t see your issue with this. This is an effort to get people OFF unemployment and find them jobs. It is not some endless food stamp or other program which encourages people not to work.Plus without this program the people would probably stay on unemployment anyhow so no real money is being saved by not having it