Dr. Shanik office provided the following statement to TLS:
“A daycare or playgroup can only have a maximum of ten people in the room, which includes the Morah and any of her own children she has with her. The room has to be large and well ventilated. No child with cough, fever, or runny nose should attend. These are the guidelines as of today, but because things are constantly changing, there may be much more stringent guidelines in the future.”
I think that’s insane. Children are carriers and often don’t have symptoms. I think everyone needs to stay home. Why are schools closing but not day cares so that parents can go to work? Not fare to the workers. I suggest workers take off.
I don’t understand why the CHS daycares can be open but my child’s playgroup is closed. Can someone clarify? How does it work with payment? While those that have the government (CHS) pay for daycare can still send their children to daycare, I have to pay out of my own pocket and have to keep the children home. Just questioning why playgroups are closed. Seems inconsistent to me.
Dr Shanik , what happens if playgroup is in the house and there is morah plus 9 kids plus the torah has her 7 kids home from school now walking around the house ?
what’s the question? He clearly stated that playgroups can only be open IF there is a maximum of 10 people INCLUDING THE MORAH’S FAMILY, in a big, well ventilated room. Being that my family consists of 7 people Ka”h, my playgroup is closed. If I stayed open, I would have to choose which 3 students to allow.
You don’t have to close your playgroup because you have 7 people ka”h in your family. You can’t have 10 people IN THE SAME ROOM at one time. Your family would need to stay out of the playgroup’s room during playgroup hours. Morah + 9 playgroup children can be in one room. If you have more than 9 kids in the group, an assistant (your own child if she’s big/capable enough or a hiree) can have other kids in another room. Even if your house isn’t huge, it can be doable – such as living room + basement for 2 playgroup groups and the family in the kitchen and bedrooms.
Dr Shanik just said that there has to be a total of 10 so obviously if a Morah has 9 kids BA’H then she should not stay open.
When you become a Dr. than we would love to hear your opinion. Until then you can thank the most knowledgeable Dr. in town for allowing your kid to be in playgroup.
If anyone can clarify if the playgroups can charge eventhough they closed would be greatly appreciated!
Lots of CHS daycares are closing for the safety of the kehilla.
Playgroups are not daycare center they are legal a establishment, with their own rules and regulations and schedules. Playgroups all tell the parents in the being of the school year that they go according to a school schedule… so if schools are closed they are closed.
and u became a poser when exactly ? beis fig had a schedule at start of year that mothers were aware of . This closer was not on the calendar . Its a big shaila in regards to tuition for schools and playgroups and the possum in town are aware of it and will get to it and issue a ruling once they are done dealing with this current crisis and all the emergency shailas
If playgroups do not open and close for safety of all parties involved, shouldn’t they get paid while closed the same way schools get paid now that they are closing? It’s not a choice for a luxury. The morahs also need to pay their bills
what about parents who are now not getting paid? the morah should gain and they should lose? the morah isnt providing a service-why should the parents pay her money they dont have now?
Obviously the question of tuition for both schools, playgroups, daycares etc will be a problem and a shaila for our poskim to lead us on. For now many people will be losing money and I am sure it is not only teachers/morahs/schools. Therapists, non essential stores who depend on the pesach season, I received a message that my childrens’ dentist closed, all the ppl who work in entertainment (I scream kids, climbzone etc) makeup artists, halls, so many the list is endless. We have to have Emunah. Hashem has a plan and right now we need to look inward and do what we could. Obviously that doesnt mean we aren’t all worried about parnassah. But let’s try to rise above. Let’s focus on our kids and families. Let’s focus on staying healthy. At the end of the day that’s what counts. Hatzlocha to all and let’s daven that Hashem take this magefa away as quickly as He sprung it on us. Yeshuas Hashem Keref ayin.
By chaim… snow days are also not listed on schedule. There are natural accessories that happen that are not in our control. That’s why schools also tell parents that the schedule is subject to change. Note that there are also day care centers that are closing or having half days (as Dr. Shanik said that the guidelines are subject to change) Dont get me wrong I understand and am affected by this too. I have my own playgroup. Morahs are in a predicament, they dont just want to close and have a day off. Morahs are nervous and worried, this is their (mine) parnasa. And to some of them there only parnasa. Also some of this morahs, or family members might have medical issues which puts them in sakana and dont want to take risk it. I know the situation is not easy for anyone not parents or morahs, I’m both and also have a child in playgroup, let alone yeshivas. But as I said before since playgroups run according to school schedule, a lot of us have our children home, 3, 5, 8 etc children are home plus the parents (or other extended family that might be living with them). Which according to Dr. Shanik then you have more then 10 people in the house and cant open. As I said be for it’s not easy for anyone. And to answer your question no I’m not an poser, just being realistic. May HaSh-m safeguard all of us and may this magafa be over already.
Dr. Shanik did not say that you can’t have more than 10 people in the house!! He said that “a daycare or playgroup can only have a maximum of 10 people in the room” which is very different. He points out that the room should be large and well-ventilated, but does not limit having family members in all the other rooms in the house besides for where the playgroup is operating.
Just business advice- not saying right or wrong: If you need the money – stay open. There will be many parents who will keep their kids home – but they still have to pay. If you close your group – they wont have to pay.
Also, keep in mind that going forward, parents will be keeping track of which playgroups shut down when BF has a blackout or shuts for corona etc. & which Moras do everything possible to stay open in the safest way possible.
Again, not saying right or wrong, just reality.