Construction Workers At BMG Find Animal’s Skeleton In Closet

Kleinman buildingWorkers at BMG were a little shocked to find a Cat’s skeleton in a closet this morning. The construction workers, in the process of renovating parts of the the Kleinman Campus of BMG, opened a door and freaked out when they found the skeleton of a full sized cat lying on the floor. It was then hung up by one of the workers, perhaps in preparation for burial. Click here for photo. Please note: Photo may not be suitable for all ages. Viewer discretion is advised.

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  1. Isn’t the cat the next thing in the Chad Gadya? And then there was a video on TLS of the dog in the flood waters. Let’s hope we can fastforward to the last stanza this Nissan!!

  2. I guess coming upon a petrified cat body is a little un-nerving when unexpected. I’ve found dead cats in my yard, and a dead squirrel in my pool, and other dead creatures, so what’s the big deal? It probably got locked inside, didn’t have anything to eat and died of starvation.

  3. For those who are not aware of goings on at BMG, the Kleiman campus is the recently opened Bais Medrash that was formely a Conservative synagogue. If this cat is mummified (or a skeleton) by now, it’s undoubtedly there from before BMG bought the place.

  4. thats a shame whoever locked the poor thing in there and left it to die it didnt let it self in there why are people so heartless

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