Construction for 5 new Traffic Lights in Lakewood to begin soon

As reported last year, the Township – upon the recommendations from the traffic consultants – will be installing several new traffic lights around Lakewood.

Traffic lights will be added to the intersections of Pine Street and MLK Drive, Oak Street and Vine Street, Oak Street and Albert Avenue, 7th Street and Forest Avenue, and 1st Street and Clifton Avenue.

The traffic light at Oak Street and Albert Avenue will replace the traffic circle installed several years ago.

Construction is set to begin as soon as the weather allows, Township officials told TLS.


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  1. Not giving up on my Forest & 7th crossing guard…put the light at Williams st. either at James or prospect (or both!) they could use it a lot more than at Forest & 7

    • You will notice these are all township streets. Williams and James is a County intersection. Therefore while there are plans for it, it’s up to the county, not the township. Same goes for the Cedarbridge and Avenue of the States

  2. Great I’m very happy al those Five Intersections have major traffic I’m sure the new Traffic light will be a great help. However a lot more lights are needed for example on park & 4thst Such a busy intersection I’m hoping it gets a Traffic light as well.

    • Park/4th has 5 incoming and 5 outgoing, light wouldn’t work
      they recommended a total redesign of the intersection by moving roads.

      There is no way that will ever happen, as they would need to use the property for something other than housing…,

  3. For some reason I feel like I’m always moving when I’m by a 4 way stop sign & stuck forever by traffic lights. Don’t traffic lights create traffic?

  4. 7th Street does not need a traffic light in fact mark my words it will be a disaster cars on 7th will only be able to turn when it’s green meanwhile you will have people crossing the street hence about one or 2 cars will be able to go just like 9th Street and route 9 go check it out at the end of seder…. A really incoherent traffic study that the township wasted money on! Place a 4 way stop sign there instead working pretty good at 6th…and for the study not to recommend a traffic light on James and Williams just shows what great study we paid for…why is the township blindly listening to these recommendations is the biggest question!!!???

  5. Williams and James is the worst intersection in Lakewood…..Please,please… if you are reading this and you have the power to do something… Please… please…

    • You have the power yourself to do something about it.

      You can attend the next public township committee meeting and speak about this.

      That will be more effective than posting on this website.

  6. Williams and Prospect already has one and it saved many accidents! Williams and James is desperately needed but I think that’s the county not the Township. I believe it’s scheduled to be installed this year. Also in schedule is Massachusetts and Prospect.

  7. something has to be done with the intersection of Rt 99 and Clover. Yes it has a light already but it’s a disaster.

    And yes, I know Rt. 88 is a county road.

    • Rt.88 is a state road. Do you see all the new houses that are going up there you can almost touch them from your car. I asked why is the town letting houses go up there insted of widen the road ? The town said that it is a state road so it is a state proublum The state is going to look at this road in a few years to see if they can widen it. My take stop bilding so close to the road and you mite have room to widen it

  8. Are they going to be removing that roundabout by Albert & Oak now that a light is going up? It should have been removed already once they put up stop signs.

  9. I’ll repeat it again. Need a traffic light with eastbound left hand turn at Cedarbridge and Pine. 152 apartments at Washington Square, plus a ten unit strip mall, a furniture store and not sure how many duplexes on the south side of Pine all trying to get onto or off of Cedarbridge. It’s like the Indy 500 at that corner.

  10. Cross st is horrific. Can we temporarily get a simple turning lane at cross and james and cross and prospect. one left turning car, can hold up 30.

  11. Why do we need one on 1st & Clifton? that means there will be practically a light at almost every intersection in the downtown area which will really back everyone up

  12. Who has authority to make turning lanes? The city or the county.
    Traffic lights cost a fortune and take a long time to construct. As one commenter mentioned upthread, turning lanes can work wonders.
    Cross street by prospect. Pine and Washington. A longer one by new hamphire and Ridge. On spruce turning onto The 9. All of these won’t cost much and will make huge improvements.

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