Confirmed: New Jersey Drivers Are Nation’s Worst

PD enforcing on riverYou always suspected it was true, and now it has been confirmed. New Jersey drivers are the worst in the nation, with New York running a close second. This is according to the sixth annual GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test. The survey was performed on pool of 5,202 drivers from all 50 states and the District of Columbia. (Washington, D.C. was third on the list of failing states. Not only is Congress lousy at governing, they can’t even make a left turn across traffic.) A new report, released this week by GMAC, uses 20 questions taken from actual DMV driving tests and shows that if all licensed drivers took the written test today, about 38 million people would fail. A passing grade on the test must be 70 or above. Of the New Jersey drivers, 39.9 percent failed. In New York, the failure rate was 31 percent.

You know, book learning ain’t everything. Practical knowledge is key. Sure, maybe our drivers failed a written test. But doggone it, we can cut across three lanes of high-speed traffic in a last minute decision to ditch the bridge and try the tunnel instead. Where is that on the test? Shouldn’t there be extra credit for evasive driving? How about driving while infuriated?

The four states to rank the highest on the exam were Kansas, Oregon, South Dakota and Minnesota. OK. They think they’re so smart … I’d like to see them make it to a Yankee game on time on a Friday night. Could they keep their cool on the Cross Bronx with an eighteen wheeler so close you can count the driver’s teeth through your rear view mirror?

Also, do Kansans enjoy the rich variety of driver communiqués our people do? The vivid facial expressions and hand gesticulations that allow our drivers to relay valuable messages such as “My grandmother drives faster than you”, or, “Merge? You wanna merge? I got your merge, right here.”

I’d like to challenge our Midwestern friends to visit us and cruise Route 80 or the Belt Parkway. Could they navigate the Turnpike HOV lane in rush hour and still acknowledge their fellow drivers with a spirited “Jersey salute?”

I think not. Newjerseynewsroom

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  1. Its like saying I have a higher batting average than you but play AAA ball and you play in the major leages.

    What they really should be focusing on is the way plea bargining of tickets works. There really is no incentive to plead not guilty no matter the circumstances.

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