By Ron Benvenisti. Reading the Asbury Park Press website this morning, there was an article entitled, “Kean praises Islamic community.” Former NJ Governor Thomas H. Kean told an audience at Georgian Court University Tuesday night, “The radical jihadists behind 9/11 unjustly took a great religion and made it synonymous with the horrific events.” This is Kean who chaired the commission that investigated the circumstances surrounding the terrorist attacks, a commission that has come under fire for the alleged facts in their final report on 9/11 by a host of scientific experts and eyewitnesses.
He goes on:
“We have a tremendous country and the Islamist community is loyal to this country,” the former New Jersey Governor said during a question-and-answer period following his talk about 9/11 and its aftermath.
The now history professor publicly stated [Before the attacks] “we felt so secure, with our ocean barriers. America had not had an attack on its soil since the War of 1812, he added. I guess he conveniently forgot the historical Pearl Harbor attack and the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, whose plotters assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane Z’T’L.
I find Kean’s appeasement of Islam, which is synonymous with Jihad according to the Koran and Shariah Law – a vicious, vindictive and violent “justice” system commanding global adherence and world domination by any means, especially at a Christian Catholic University whose religious adherents are discriminated against and murdered by Muslims everyday in every Arab Muslim regimes very disturbing. His revisionist history, from a “history professor” no less, extremely disturbing. But one of the comments disturbed me even more:
5:55 AM on September 21, 2011
“I have no respect for the religion. It can be equated to any cult type religion that fully controls the members thoughts actions and time. It is wayyyyy too controlling. period. I know of some and they are not open minded, they don’t think for themselves, similarly to the lakewood community.”
State Police Superintendent Col. Joseph “Rick” Fuentes, also attended said “New Jersey is fertile ground for terrorism because of its location between New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Technology leads the efforts of the State Police Regional Operations Intelligence Center, known as The Rock, which is a large database of intelligence-led policing links of first responding agencies.”
I wonder if “The Rock” is intelligent enough to follow up on ignorant and dangerous miscreants like “yamyam” who equate Judaism with Islam.
This is the same thinking as most republican (moderated).
This is the problem, history is modified by the Liberals to make us believe the poor (whatever place here) is being picked on and we all have to adjust our lives to appease them. It is our fault they act the way the way they toward us.
they despise us because we are not violent and don’t carry weapons. therefore they refer to us as ‘controlling’, because they know that we don’t win through physical means. even boxers say that a boxing match is mostly a mental battle. we win in that dept. and it upsets people.
kean and others should look across the ocean & see what’s happening there, the behavior of ‘gentle’ Islam
Remember the ant and the grasshopper?
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
The moral to the story being: BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF!
NEW VERSION . . . (sad but true)
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and fed, while others are cold and starving!
CBS, NBC, ABC & CNN show up to provide pictures of shivering grasshoppers, next to a video of an ant
in his comfortable home, with a table filled with food.
America is stunned by the sharp contrast! How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor
grasshopper is allowed to suffer this way?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah, with the grasshopper.
Everyone cries when they sing “It’s Not Easy Being Green”.
Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant’s house, where the news stations film the group
singing “We Shall Overcome”.
Jesse then has the group pray for the grasshopper’s sake, and reminds the group to contribute to his group, so that he can “continue the fight” for grasshoppers, everywhere!
Ted Kennedy & John Kerry exclaim, in an interview with Tom Brokaw, that the ant has gotten rich, off
the back of the poor grasshopper!
Both call for an immediate tax hike, to make the ant pay “his fair share”!
Finally, the EEOC drafts the “Economic Equity For Grasshoppers Act”, retroactive to the beginning of the
The ant is fined for failing to hire the proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
pay his retroactive taxes, his house is confiscated by the government.
Hillary Clinton gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper, in a defamation suit against the ant.
The case is tried in federal court, with a jury comprised of unemployed welfare recipients.
Surprise! The ant loses the case!
The story ends, as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant’s food, while the government house he lives in (which happens to be the ant’s old house) crumbles around him,
due to lack of maintenance!
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found, dead, in a drug-related incident.
The house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders, who terrorize this once-peaceful neighborhood.
Best version yet.