Community Initiatives And Programs For Healthcare In Lakewood

Lakewood is spread across an area of 110.1 km² and has a vibrant community. Its diverse population has everything to lead a peaceful life but not enough healthcare facilities. This area is representative of contemporary America but struggles with making healthcare affordable and fair to all residents. While Lakewood has hospitals, clinics, and medical centers, it does not have access to quality, affordable healthcare.

The healthcare system’s inability to provide access to the overall health and well-being of the community is a cause for concern. In order to fix these healthcare loopholes, there are various community initiatives and programs to devise healthcare access and outcomes within Lakewood. 

Here, we explore these initiatives, including the Lakewood Engage Partnership, Region 5 Resources, Home Healthcare, Hospital Bed Rentals, etc. So, let us tell you what these initiatives have for the residents. 

The Existing Community Initiatives And Programs

There are plenty of initiatives by the state as well as from the local communities to address healthcare concerns. Here is a list of existing programs that serve this purpose. 

Lakewood Engage Partnerships

Lakewood Engage, one of the most successful healthcare programs, was started in 2014 to address the health concerns of the community. This initiative was formed by Lakewood Health System’s Community Health Department as an important hub for collaborative efforts to improve community health. 

Collaborating with many other organizations, Lakewood Engage strives to keep the town thriving with fresh dreams. These were health education programs to provide residents with information about disease prevention and health-related lifestyle choices. Identity health screenings within communities help screen large quantities of people, often screening many people early on helping to catch any problems before it is too late to deal with them.

Many people living with chronic conditions find invaluable peer support and resources through support groups, creating community and improving their overall well-being. These campaigns target the stigmatization of mental health, which hinders access to mental health services.

Additionally, programs like food banks and nutrition assistance help to tackle food insecurity, a key social driver of health. By providing transportation assistance for vital medical appointments, we can further ensure that our patients do not face logistical hurdles to critical healthcare services.

Region 5 Resources

Region 5 Resources is a platform created by the Region Five Development Commission, also known as R5DC, in Minnesota, USA. Its function is to help people connect to necessary resources and services in the region. Region 5 Resources has been an excellent program for the residents of Lakewood because it provides a broad directory of varied sub-resources.

This directory contains behavioral health providers, drop-in centers, education and employment opportunities, food and nutrition assistance, healthcare services, housing support, support groups, transportation options, and veteran services.  

This centralized platform helps residents to go through the complex structure of available services, regardless of their eligibility for specific programs. With the help of a comprehensive overview of available resources, Region 5 Resources facilitates informed decision-making and authorizes individuals to take control of their healthcare journey.

Healthcare Needs And Challenges In Lakewood

Based on the current condition of Lakewood’s healthcare system, there are many more that need to be addressed. Allow us to inform you about some of them.

Data Analysis

To understand specifically what health needs are present within Lakewood, analyzing any relevant data is vital.

COPD Deaths

The death rate of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at Uci Health-Lakewood is as high as 8.8%. This percentage is a public health concern since it requires better prevention, early detection, and treatment of COPD in the community.

Hospital Bed Capacity

These are Lakewood Regional Medical Center, with 172 beds, and the University Health Lakewood Medical Center, with 110 beds. However, getting to understand these in their utilization rates, in case one surmises that there might be a bed shortage upon peak hours, is pretty basic for full access to the healthcare of every resident within that community.


Markham is an interesting comparative case in that there is only one hospital, the Markham Stouffville Hospital, serving a significant population of the South York Region. The opening of Markham Stouffville Hospital in 1990 was also meant to decongest pressure on other hospitals in the region. This suggests that adequate capacity in hospitals, as well as a lack of adequate healthcare infrastructure, may have its consequences.

This is a rather good evaluation of whether the current hospital capacity at Lakewood meets the healthcare requirements of the country’s growing population, both current and future, especially given that low hospital capacity can affect other factors, like hospital bed rental prices, which contribute to greater patient costs, as in the case of extended care.

The city’s bed-to-population ratio, which is below one bed for every 1,000 people, only emphasizes the other possible problems of having a limited number of beds in the hospital. This can mean longer wait times for patients who require emergency care, and longer waits even for elective procedures, not to mention an angry outburst from a healthcare system that suddenly finds itself facing demand surges.

This is the advice for Lakewood: addressing bed capacity issues early on is very preventative of having to deal with potential problems in access to critical care services. 

Limited hospital capacity can also indirectly affect the cost and availability of other forms of care, for instance, as searches for hospital bed rental near me on search engines might increase for patients in need of extended care beyond traditional hospital walls.

Identifying Specific Requirements

From this analysis and comparative insight, many of the health care needs have arisen. Increasing access to specialty care in areas like cardiology, oncology, and neurology is required to keep residents from traveling great distances for specialized care.

In addition to this, access to mental health services like therapy, counseling, and psychiatric services will be needed. Alongside those, a major part will include getting rid of the stigma regarding mental health and raising awareness about their presence.

Moreover, bringing structured, targeted programs aimed at controlling chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and COPD will definitely assist members with better health outcomes and lower mortality rates.

It will be important to recognize and address the unmet needs within such populations in health care-disadvantaged segments, including the low-income, ethnic minorities, and aged. These may include outreach programs, culture-sensitive care, and the removal of barriers to access.

Hospital Bed Rentals And Home Healthcare Is A Possible Solution

With time, the demand for accessible and affordable healthcare has increased and has put a strain on hospital resources. This strain has raised concerns about making approaches for accessible and available patient care. This is where the healthcare system is encouraging the idea of home healthcare. With home healthcare comes the need for comfortable hospital beds for patient care. 

It will get very difficult for caretakers to lift the patients up and lay them down if there are no adjustable hospital beds at home. Therefore, the concept of renting out hospital beds is also getting attention from potential users. For example, an old patient who needs assistance, a patient with a spinal injury, or a patient who has been bedridden for a longer span and needs no immediate hospital services can be taken care of at home. 

Hospital bed rental companies make it very affordable by giving hospital-like facilities at home on a budget. These beds have advanced features like adjustable height, side brackets, backrests, etc. 

Caretakers must do their research before choosing a service provider. All they have to do is search for “hospital bed rental near me” on Google or other search engines. Besides, you can also look for location specific hospital bed rentals. For example, search for “Hospital bed rental in Markham” or “Hospital bed rental in Brampton” to get the best service provider. 

Summing Up

This was just an overview of what communities have been doing to facilitate their people for healthcare concerns. This took a joint effort from healthcare professionals, community organizations, medical equipment companies, and residents. This showed how realizing the social determinants helps communities grow as a group. 

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