VIDEO: Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien this evening expressed his frustration with the Township’s electric company, JCP&L, as the company fails to respond to the Township’s requests in a timely fashion. Lichtenstien, the liaison to the company, says they have requested many times that the company repair broken lights and install lights where needed, but the company would not respond.
“The fact that we ask for street lights in the town, and it can take up to a year – a year and a half to get them – and we’re paying for it – is uncalled for”, Lichtenstien said. “And finally when we get it after a year, we’re thankful that they allow us to pay them for their street lights”.
The Committeeman also stressed that with Winter coming, the dark streets prove to be more dangerous to pedestrians walking after 5-6:00PM.
In light of the situation, Lichtenstien asked that the Mayor send the company a letter and also withhold payment from the company until the company comes down to speak with them, and action is taken.
The Mayor agreed to the motion. TLS.
Deal Commiteeman Lichtenstein.
I once tried this tactic with JCP&L. Guess what? They shut my electricity!
hope they wont shut the eletric in town then it will really be dark !
the good side will be that the township will then be frorced to get soloar panels and save the tax payers money !
I wather withhold my payment from American water then jcpl My bill is crazy and I was away half of the month
It’s all about the shareholders and the stock. Thanks to the deregulation of the electrical generation business this is what we get. I would imagine they will tell the committee the same thing that they told me when asked about a repair. ‘We are running behind because of the hurricane, please be patient’
Who pays late fee’s??? Tax Payers
Kodus 2 de mayor (both of them ) let us all by generators 4 a month or 2 and that might teach them a lessons or 2 when they see n/1 is using electricity they provide
why cant we just go to the competition? of there isn’t any!
Its time Trenton addressed this corruption and opened up the market. Let the customers decide, Power to the people!!
I’d wather withhold my payment from American water then jcpl My bill is crazy and I was away half of the month it’s crazy
pay the bill and werk through it.
By law JCP&L canNOT shut off the electricity to a municipality, for any reason. The township has a lot more power than an individual.
What’s up with Lakewood no one knows how to spell??? “EVERI KOMENT SOFARE FUL UF SPELING MISSTAKSE”
My street light is out foe weeks.Called them they know about t but still
will not come out .
water bill is more than electric, both companies need to reevaluate there tactics
Still better tan the Water co.!!!!