VIDEO: Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien yesterday evening stepped in on behalf of the New Jersey American Water Company customers, asking the Utility Advisory Committee members to continue to oppose rate hikes. Lichtenstien, who attended the hearing in Howell to oppose the rate hikes, says the Advisory Committee should oppose any future rate hikes, unless the water company could present a clear case on why the hikes are needed.
The Committeeman quoted senior activist Bill Hobday, who also attended the hearing and said that unlike elected officials, there’s no way to tell people to just get rid of the water company.
Last week, the New Jersey American Water Company requested a 20% rate hike, which would affect over 600,000 customers in NJ. TLS.
BRIng the BPU rate meetings to lakewood. We are the largest municipality in Ocean county.
When we get a room full of people in front of the BPU they will hear us more.
The only reason for the 20% rate hike is to give pay raises and bonuses for the upper management of the water company, remember it is the holiday season a time for giving. But in this case they decided how much we should be giving. Let them prove it is for repairs and upgrades before they get a dime.
Thank you Committeeman, Meir Lichtenstein. Your presence at the meeting was felt and deeply appreciated.
Letters expressing your sentiment should be sent to the NJ governmental oversight board, as follows:
New Jersey Division of Water
44 South Clinton Avenue
Trenton, NJ 08625
Attention: Ms. Maria Moran, Director
Fax: (609) 292-1649
Email: [email protected]
Reb Meir,
You are the real example of vchol mi shoskin btzibur bemuna – helping out the public as a trustworthy public official.
Thank You