College is, as cliche as it sounds, the best years of a young person’s life. If you’re just about to start this next chapter in your life, it’s time to savor your first taste of freedom and soak up the experience. You’ll never be able to re-live these days so it’s best to take the steps that are needed to thrive during your academic journey. Here’s what you need to do.
Manage Your Finances
At this stage in your life, it is time to get a credit or debit card, because as you know, nobody really uses cash anymore. You’ll find older people going out with a couple of hundred dollars in their pocket, but that’s just a case of old habits dying hard. You need to look up something like credit cards for students and see what’s available. There are specialized options out there for students so be sure to review a guide on things like interest rates and repayment terms before choosing a card.
Broaden Your Horizons
This is the perfect time to broaden your horizons, learn new things, and meet new people. Finding your tribe is all part of this chapter so try to get out there and see who fits and who doesn’t. Attend networking events, strike up conversations with strangers when waiting for coffee, and wear a smile when out and about. Keep curious and ask questions. Mix with people that have different views and opinions to you and learn how to create a common ground where those differences don’t create a split.
Work Hard
You’re your own boss now, with no one looking over your shoulder and asking challenging questions like “how can you work with that rap garbage in your earbuds?” So be disciplined and remember what you’re at college for. These years could shape your whole life so work hard and keep focused on the end goal. Going to college is expensive so don’t blow this opportunity by skipping classes and missing study sessions.
Learn How and When to Relax
It is important to switch off at times, so if you have been burning the midnight oil, studying like crazy, it’s ok to give yourself a break. Go for a walk or a run or a swim. Read something that is not college related. Sit in the park with a pizza and talk to a friend. Phone home. Sign up for a gym class or just chill in your room if that sounds more appealing. The key takeaway here is to look after your mental health.
Eat Properly
Pizza in the park can be a nice idea now and then, but it’s essential that you eat a balanced diet that includes lots of fruit and vegetables. You’re not a kid anymore and green things are no longer unappealing. Spinach is good, pasta gives you energy, and some things keep your bowels regular, so find out what works for you. Fried tomatoes on toast? Figs? Like we said, you’re not a kid anymore so it’s time to eat like a grownup.