A free $600 bike?
Can it really be?
This Purim collect money towards your goal of joining the “BIKE4SHALOM” rescue mission. This mission is one that Shalom is proud to have accepted, and a mission that Shalom is asking “you” to partner with. Whether you will register as an individual rider, whether you will register as a team rider, or whether you will be the one helping our riders reach their goal, we need you to join our team to ensure we succeed in our mission. Our goal at Shalom Torah Academy is to provide the next generation of American Jews with an outstanding education complemented by a love and appreciation for the Jewish Heritage, the Torah, and the Mitzvos.
We often take it for granted that we are so fortunate to be living in a Frum community where love for Yidishkeit is natural. However, living amongst us, in our own city, in our own backyards, there are some that are unfortunately deprived of this upbringing. There are some that McDonalds is to them as Glatt Bite is to you, there are some that public school is to them as Yeshiva is to you, and there are some that Shabbos is to them as a Sunday is to you.
How can we stand by and watch when there is something each and every one of us can do to help make change?
Really, I can make a difference?
BIKE4SHALOM is an opportunity for all of us to come together, unite, and take action to help save the future of Klal Yisroel. By joining in our event, by showing your support, and by raising the much-needed funds for our community outreach “YOU WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AND IMPACT JEWISH GENERATIONS.”
Registration will IY”H be opening with a registration event during the first week of Nissan, stay tuned for details.
Get a head start by collecting this Purim towards your goal.
Silver Rider:
Raise $500 to help save the future of Klal Yisroel
Receive a Bike4Shalom jersey
Gold Rider:
Raise $1,000 to help save the future of Klal Yisroel
Receive a Bike4Shalom jersey
Receive a Diamondback Edgewood Hybrid Bike ($450 value)
Diamond Rider:
Raise $1,250 to help save the future of Klal Yisroel
Receive a Bike4Shalom jersey
Receive a Diamondback Overdrive ST 27.5 ($600 value)
Our Event
There are a number of ways one can register for our event: individual registration, father-son team registration, standard team registration, and coming soon we will have a corporate team registration.
Individual registration: You may register as an individual rider if you will be at least sixteen years old by 5/14/17.
Father-son team registration: In our father-son team registration option there are two types of riders, youth riders and adult riders. A youth rider is any rider that will be less than 16 years old as of 5/14/17, every youth rider on the team will be required to make a rider commitment, either as a silver, gold, or diamond rider. The adult rider on the team will need to be any adult over the age of 21 as of 5/14/17, the adult rider on the team will have an option to either ride for free and will receive a BIKE4SHALOM jersey, or he can choose to ride as a gold or diamond rider and receive a free bike as well. The adult rider on the team does not need to be your father, however if you will be riding with any adult other than your father you will need a signature from your parents as well as a signature from the adult rider you will be riding with. There can only be one free adult rider per team, and in order for the adult rider to register as a free rider there must be at least one youth rider with a registration as a silver, gold, or diamond rider on the team. There may be additional adult riders on the team, however any additional adult riders on the team will not be able to register as a free rider.
Team registration: In our standard team registration, every rider must be over 16 as of 5/14/17 and every rider must select a registration level of silver, gold, or diamond.
Corporate registration: We will be publishing our corporate registration and partnership opportunities in the near future, stay tuned for details. In the meanwhile, if you have an interest in a corporate team please email us at [email protected].