PHOTOS of some of the Clothing, Shaimos and Chometz drop-off locations around town. If you know of one in your area, feel free to list it in the comments section. The Capitol, Satmar and Kol Shimshon are some of the locations around town.
Clothing, Shaimos And Chometz Drop-Off Locations
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Can someone please post a sheimos drop of company that has some kind of hechsher that they actually bury the sheimos. Thanx
there is a free clothing drop off by any k.a. shaimos truck to benifit the special childrens center
The one by the Capitol is under a hechsher, I think it is under Rabbi Shmuel M. Katz
The one by 7th and forest is under the hechsher of R’ Yakov Berman, and they have been in business for over 10 years.
where is there a k.a shaimos truck located?
k.a. truck r locatied at sunset and central 14th and forest 10th and clifton
Do you know what the hours are for the K.A. Trucks?
there is a free clothing drop of on forest ave on the corner of 5th to benfit the specail children center