Close To 10,000 Attend The Rich Roberts Chol Hamo’ed Event

[PHOTOS] [The following was submitted by Kasriel (Rich) Roberts] [UPDATED 10:45 PM] To all, The carvnival is going very well. By about 2 PM, we will likely have gone through the 6000 pekelach that we prepared (which means 6000 children since we mark childrens’ hands to assure only one pekelach per child). There are another approximately 2000 pekelach being made at this moment so we should only be out of pekelach for a short while. The corrective actions are working well so the wait in the lines is not very long. We did our Hishtadlis and thank Hashem for the beautiful day. I suspect that the good weather is in the merit of the learning and mitzvos of the children.

I want to thank everyone who has attended.

Also, in our shul (KNA), there will be all-night-learning for Hoshanah Rabba with catered food for those who are learning. It is usually well attended all night long and everyone is invited.

Good moed to all.
Best wishes,
Kasriel Roberts


UPDATE From Rich:

For an update, as of 3:50 PM, we have given out an additional 1100 pekelahs (7100 children in total), 1000 pekelahs are being delivered within the next few minutes along with an additional 200 water bottles, and a final 1000 pekelahs are in production. The lines are not very long. The workers and especially the managers are doing great jobs.

The carnival closes at 5:30 PM. I want to express my thanks to everyone who attended. I apologize to those who wanted to greet me but for whom I was not able to stop. I had to deal with this “nosh emergency”.

Special mention should go to Meir and Yisroel Deutsch for recruiting and managing the staff, Rabbi Resnick of for changing his plans, on a moment’s notice, to accommodate the pekelach needs of the community, and Moshe Lewin and son who provided a truck and drove it for our water and pekelach again on a moment’s notice. Also I need to mention Rabbi Ely, of Travelling Tykes, who did his usual outstanding job.

I am blessed to be a part of this wonderful community.

Kasriel Roberts



I want to thank everyone who expressed their sentiment on this message board. It is very encouraging for me. I “break my back” trying to serve. I usually perform at the outer limits of my ability to cope with all of the demands that are upon me from so many different directions. The reassurance, or validation, from your comments that I have been able to serve this community is deeply gratifying for me. Sometimes I am successful. Sometimes I mess up. I just try to solve problems, improve, and do more. I keep trying and your positive expressions help to re-energize me. At this moment, while there is music, food, and dancing in our shul, I am home, thoroughly exhausted from the carnival, feeling guilty that I am not dancing at my shul for the Simchas Bais Hosheiva, and just checking-in at my computer before I “call it a night”. I cannot tell you how much your brochas warm my exhausted heart. From the bottom of my heart, I say “Thank you”.

Kasriel Roberts

Photos by Crystal Photography for TLS.

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  1. What an unbelievable thing. Dr. Rich Roberts, in the zechus of this gevaldik simchas Yom Tov that you provide for so many people who would not have an easy time (if at all) going on paid trips with the kids, may you be zoche to only have simcha in your life. Hashem should give you continued hatzlacha until a hundred and twenty.

  2. This was amazing, every detail thought of. YOu gave the children an incredible time without any agmas nefesh on the part of the parents. Thank you so much! It made our day! May you be zoche to only know simcha. I can’t really express my appreciation in any other way. Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for what you did for our children and our community. My children were able to have a wonderful time, in a kosher environment and it didn’t have to cost me a cent. In this time of financial turmoil, I am so grateful that my kids were able to really enjoy without any thought of “how can i afford this”?.
    You have done a great Mitzva today, and may Hashem pay you back with all the wishes of your heart.

  4. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful experience my kids had today at the Roberts carnival. I had so much joy watching my kids smile for so long! Every detail was thought into very carefully. I even heard Dr. Roberts asking the people on line how long they were waiting to confirm that the line was moving! Wow!

  5. Dr. Roberts,
    It was truly an inspiring & enjoyable event.
    I spotted you at first & then went looking for you for about a half hour to personally thank you.

    “Thank you!”

    May you be zocheh to make happy many, many more people.

    I think everyone felt like family. No pressure. No arguing. = Pure Ahavas Yisroel and Achdus!

    May you continue to have lots of nachas from your biological family as well as the rest of your (Klal Yisroel) family!

  6. Dr Roberts, you are LAKEWOOD PAR EXCELLENCE. Thank you so much. May Haschem continue to give you the strenghts to celebrate many more Chol Hamoed Carnavals, and may you have only Simchos in your family. Chag Sameach.

  7. Great day had by all! very organized and thought out. cant find anything like this anywhere else, you included the little kids who love animals all middle age kids who like the rides and for those kids who are scared of or just dont like rides there are shows and stories.Thank You.

  8. Wow! Wow! Wow!
    It’s things like these when we can truly say “Mi K’amcha Yisroel”

    My neighbors did not stop talking about the carnival and all the “fun” they had..

    Thank You! Thank You!

  9. Thank you Dr. Roberts for a wonderful outing! My two year old went on the bouncy-her first time on such a thing and thoroughly enjoyed it. Tizku lmitzvos!

  10. Reb Kasriel,

    First of all thank you so much for a wonderful day my children and I had a great time. There is an added benefit of coming to the carnival and that is the feeling that you are participating in a Kiddush Hashem. Your mesiras nefesh for us is a massive Kiddush Hashem and us as recepients feel it and are both humbled and energized by it.

  11. Dr. Roberts, I cannot begin to thank you. My kids look forward to this event every Succos and Pesach. They LOVE coming and have such a wonderful time.Thank you so muh.
    May Hashem repay you for all your kindness you do for the klal

  12. What a Kiddush Hashem!
    What a beautiful way to give Tzedaka!
    Horav S. Z. Stein Shlit”a just finished saying at his Drasha in the Roberts Shul Succah, that his Talmidim from the Roberts Shul
    Have a special Davening. Seems like everything Reb Rich touches turns to spiritual gold.
    A Brocha toYou and your family that you are destined for great things.

  13. Rabbi Roberts, we wish we would have been able to thank you personally for the outstanding job performed yesterday! Our children had the most amazing time, and we never would have been able to do this without you! The rides were great, the lines not too long, considering the turnout. There was enough peckalach for all, the magic show and story tellers were superb! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! May Hashem grant you the strength to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh!

  14. Thank you. Watching all the adults and children it is clear that this event brings out the best midos in everyone. Everyone is patient and friendly. Mr Roberts may you and your family be gebentched.


  16. Thank you Mr. Roberts for giving my children such an enjoyable outing. They are still sucking on their jawbreakers & talking about the pony rides! With much Hakoras Hatov…

  17. Even the weather showed its absolute approbation of this unique event, geared to Mesameach Yidden on the Moed. A beautiful day, fun, room and entertainment. Mishpachas Roberts, Yishaar Kochachem!

  18. I’m not sure the correct words to use for this unbelievably humble man Dr. Roberts, here he spent thousands and thousands of dollars and many hour of his time just for the community, he gets nothing in return nor does he even want anything in return and hes busy thanking us and apologizing to us. Rich how can i instill such character in my children? you leave me in awe

  19. Just a note to say thank you so much for the lovely day we had yesterday! It was our first time at the carnival and my kids enjoyed it tremendously, in addition to the huge savings for us financially. Just one suggestion- I looked around for you to allow my children the chance to thank you personally for their fantastic day, but unfortunately due to the “nosh emergency” you weren’t around. I think it would be so good for all the kids if there was someplace you specifically were a lot of the time in order for them to be able to personally show their Hakaras Hatov to you. I’m sure you would shep nachas and it would definitely teach them all about Hakaras Hatov.
    Thank you again for everything!

  20. What is R’ Robert’s mailing address? We wanted to thank him in the way he prefers – with a handwritten thank-you by mail. By the way, we didn’t go this year (concern about challenges parking and heavy crowds/lines), but have gone several times in the past and we deeply appreciate the kind of giving that R’ Roberts does – m’lev tov. Your ma’asim are beautiful and may there be more like you in K’lal Yisroel.

  21. Thank you so much Dr. Roberts. My children look forward to this event every year – they’re already 9 and 11 years old and we always work our chol hamoed plans around the “Richie Roberts Carnival” because they wouldn’t miss it for anything. This year they took my grandchildren and once again had a blast. Oh, and my 9 year old was so proud that he had the opportunity to personally thank you!

    Yasher Koach for the wonderful day, and for the opportunity to witness a true Kiddush Hash-m. May Hash-m grant you koach to continue to do all your good work.

  22. Thank you!
    It is so heartwarming that someone cares so much for the kinderlach (and parents) that he is willing to go to such lengths.
    This carnival was a class act, and I wish Dr. Roberts all the best!.

  23. I’m so happy I have the opportunity here to express my sincere appreciation to you for funding and arranging this carnival every Chol Hamoed for all to enjoy. Wow! Such a wonderful and generous idea and so much enjoyed by all. We were there and enjoyed to the fullest. What a crowd you had. Tizke L’Mitzvos!

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