CIU Investigating Shooting Which Left Bullet Hole In Car And Children’s Bedroom

PHOTO: Authorities are investigating after a bullet was found inside a children’s bedroom and in a vehicle this evening, police confirmed to TLS. Sources say police received a phone call about 5:30 AM this morning reporting shots fired in the Holly Street area, but were unable to locate anyone or anything.

The caller reportedly saw several men fleeing the area following the shooting, but was unable to identify any of the men.

About 6:15 PM this evening however, the resident of the home found a bullet hole in a vehicle and a bullet in his child’s bedroom.

CIU is investigating. TLS-62/TLS-CCP.
Short video clip of scene.

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  1. No the Lakewood police were called because that is who is supposed to handle crime in Lakewood not LCSW. I do think Lakewood needs help but not for serious things like shooting, beetings, lost children, thefts these things should be left up to the police we appoint to the LPD. LCSW should handle parking problems, small neighborhood disputes. There are reasons why all throwout history Police have handled situations just like this one. We should leave it this way.

  2. #9, what are beetings? when people throw beets at each other?
    what is the throwout history? is that the part of history that we threw out? if we threw it out why should we take it seriously?

  3. don’t we all realize that lcsw needs our help with money and more members
    lets help them before out town turns into the wild wild west !

  4. I never claimed to have perfect grammar or spelling but you got the point of what I was trying to say

    the town already is wild wild west more the reason why we need trained professional police officers not civilians to take care of the real crime in the town.

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