Christie To Call For Audit Of School Boards

auditGov.-elect Chris Christie says he will call for an audit of all school boards when he becomes governor and wants to move school board elections to November. During New Jersey 101.5’s “Ask the Governor” program on Tuesday, Christie also suggested tying education funding to a reduction of “middle management” in school districts as he looks to cut property taxes and close an $8 billion budget deficit for the upcoming fiscal year. Nearly half of all property taxes, which are the highest in the nation at an average of $7,000 a home, go toward education funding. AP

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  1. I think they will be looking for waste , kick backs , and to find out exactly why it costs 16,000 per child to educate a kid here in lakewood, in addition he is also looking into the possibility of combining school boards and merging schools. Although Lakewood township public school enrollment is dwindling and mostly filled with children of illegal immigrants, chances are no other township is gonna want our kids, eventhough it would be a huge savings for us and would absolutley lower the tax burden . in addition they probably also would investigate the title1 funds, catapult and the special needs funds where a large chunk of our tax money goes. If everything is done al pi din , then noone has to worry about anything . I really think he is out for the tax payer . Ray Coles had made a suggestion(too little too late) of possibly outsourcing some govt to same money maybe that could happen . In addition , he may also look into any sales and expenditures that occurred in the past year . Like I said before, if everything is kosher vyosher then there’s nothing to worry about, if its not then its mamish gezaila drabim of thousands of dollars, I hope its not the latter.FYI, the governor reads this blog .

  2. Maybe they will find out a Lakewood public student gets 16.000 per child and a certain private school gets roughly 70.000 per child and our bussing has a great deal affect on the citizens taxes in this town. I hope the govt. comes to Lakewood there are some real problems here. That board doesn’t represent Lakewood public school children.Very sad when we forget to care for our nierghbors

  3. While combining school districts sounds good on its face, it will mean DEATH to special education and bussing for private school children. If the Lakewood school district is merged with a neighboring district or districts, Orthodox voters will no longer be able to easily elect members to the school board (as they’ll be a minority of the electorate of the new district) to protect their interests.

  4. either your a MI shick yingle or someone else who is also has his hand in the cookie jar- who is trying to use scare tactics . the governor has not discussed combining district as that would cause use state wide opposition and many legal areas. what he did propose was getting rid of middle managament and programs that were not cost effective.

    This if down properly would benefit almost every individual in lakewood besides for the few with their hands in the cookie jar.
    what would happen would be something like this. lakewood ( and many other districts with similiar problems) would maintain its district and BOA and thats all that would be definatly maintained. Then each program would have to be cost effective. For example if a pubic shool child for some odd reason took $18000 to educate in lakewood and in toms river , jackson , brick , howell only took $11 – $12000, then lakewood would be given the option to either figure out how to educte for $12,000 or the would be forced to close down thier schools and send the the children to surounding districts. based on the current numbers if this was done today Lakewood taxpayers would save a whopping $25 million+ a year. There are already a few districts that do this ( seaside and i think LBI area ). in lakewood there are a few reasons why it is not done, two of which are A. the surronding districts do not want the lakewood PS children ( for obvious reasons which are politicly incorrect to state) B. the people with the hands in the cookie jar and the “middle managment ” people are doing whatever they can to stop it. IF the Governor would want to make sure things are done correctly and not corruptly , he would force the surronding district to accept lakewood children by witholding state money if they do not and force the district to outsource to surronding districts cutting out the middle managment and hands in the cookie jar.

    As far as special education , the district could and would be obligated to take care of its own special ed placements and bussing. and we would not lose a penny of that money . as a matter a fact we would get even more because every child would technically be obligated to get an out of district placement so every special ed child would also , and it would be a only be a matter of which scholl to place them in. also all title 1 and IDEA and fed special ed money would be distributed per pupil and not ripped off. doing it this way would save the distraict about $30 million ( almost 25% of our tax bill. ( another issue would also arise about who is responsible to pay for the illegals which are at least 20% of our ps body saving anoter 15million if the fed had to pick up the tab)

    this can be very easily done < look at seaside. people should not fall for the scare tactics .

  5. So how does your scenario, should it result in the closing of Lakewood schools and the transfer of chidren to surrounding districts, differ from combining districts!? Ultimately, Lakewood voters would still lose all input in the education of their own children and the distribution of their tax dollars.

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