PHOTO: Chometz/Trash Drop-off Sites Now Open Around Town

dpw trash site pesach 2015The Chometz and trash drop-off sites around town are now open. The sites will be manned by DPW personnel from 8:00 a.m. today, Thursday, until Noon on Friday.

The following satellite locations have been set up:

1. John Patrick Park 1000 Vine Street by the baseball parking lot.
2. Sunset Road Playground
3. Old DPW Site 9th Street- Parking lot.
4. Forest Avenue- Between 9th and 10th Street
5. West Gate- Hillside Blvd.
6. John Franklin Public Works Complex – One America Avenue.
7. Frank Bartolf Park- Brook Road, parking lot
8. New Site- Blue Claws Stadium

Neighbors have requested that TLS remind residents coming at late hours to keep the noise down to a minimum.


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