[VIDEO MESSAGE FROM O.C. FIRE MARSHAL W. GEE] The following is a list of the Chometz-burning sites around town this year: 7th and Private Way – BMG parking lot, 10th and Clifton – Cheder/BMG playground, 175 Sunset Ave – Cong. K’hal Zichron Yaakov parking lot, 945 River Ave – Old Chateau Grand parking lot, 5th and Madison – Cong. Sons of Israel parking lot.
The following are guidelines from the Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Office:
1. No bottles of beer, whiskey, any alcohol related items or aerosol containers are to be put into the fire as they can cause an explosion and injure the participants.
2. Please don’t wrap items in foil because they do not burn.
3. Please do not bring plastic containers and/or plastic bags to be thrown into the fire such as ketchup, mustard or other items. Fire Marshal’s may ask to check bags or containers for non – permitted items. These items will fill the containers very fast and not leave enough room for other people’s items. These items should be put into recycling not burned.
4. After placing the Chometz into the fire please move behind the barricades with your children and families so other people can put their Chometz in the fire safely.
5. The fires will start at 7AM. Please be at the sites by 12:00 noon to have your Chometz placed in the fire. The fires will be extinguished at 12:30 PM.
6. Please keep away from the metal containers (ESPECIALLY CHILDREN) as they get HOT over time and could injure them.
7. Please use the Permitted burn sites for Chometz Burning. The Fire Dept will extinguish non – permitted Chometz Burning sites.
8. Please listen to the directions of the Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Personnel and Lakewood Police Crossing Guards at each site for your safety and follow the parking rules. Everyone have a safe Chometz Burning and an enjoyable Passover.
They put out the fire a noon? Who will ensure that the chometz was actually burned sufficiently? Fire fighters are not qualified to make this halachic decision.
Why can’t I make my own fire? this way I will be confident that I have fulfilled my requirements
to #1.
i guess nobody is good enough for your standards.
putting something in a fire, raging at over 600 degrees is considered burning.
what a hocker!
Mr T, go right ahead and burn your chometz in your grill. no one is stopping you.
The twnship commity is making it easier for you and the volunteer Fire Department is only there to help. Come early not jewish time and i’m sure your chometz will get burnt
As always be safe and have a good yom tov
I would personally like to thank the township members, the fire marshals & the Lakewood Volunteer fire department for helping us this coming Monday morning with the burning of the bread.
Every year around 1:45 p.m. when I go to Minchah either in Bais Shalom or Yeshiva, I look into the Biur Chometz container. Guess what? Most of the Chometz is sitting there intact, not burned. Some does burn a little, but most of it is not burned at all. You can see whole rolls, bread cereal, etc. For that price you might as well just take your chometz to the garbage trucks. Some years I make a small fire in my backyard in a container just to be yotzei burning the bare minimum – the left over bread from Bedikas Chometz. If we’re not allowed to make our own fires and the public Biur Chometz doesn’t burn it, then we are basically being forced not to be mekayem biur chometz through sreifah. Also, all those that throw in their hafrashas challah balls of dough, you should know that they don’t really burn, and this may be more of a problem then the chometz, being that at least the chometz was discarded into the reshus of a goy. And also, I don’t quite grasp how if #2 calls #1 a “Hocker” will this solve the problem.
to number 5 and 1- dont roll out of bed at 9 oclock tom, and be there early.
#1 NO PERMIT- NO FIRE I cant have 5000 little fires burning all over town. All it take is for one in the wrong place or someone adding fuel to get the fire burning hotter and gets hurt. Leave the process to the professionals. Come and enjoy your holiday in a safe manner
The local, county and state fire officials have the made Pesach Burning a very save process were no one will get hurt if you follow the directions given.
The last thing I want is to ruin someone’s holiday with a FINE for an illegal non permit fire.
Best wishes for a happy and safe Pesach
to #5
Perhaps the reason you see leftovers not burnt, is that perhaps people sometimes come after the fire is put out already, but still throw it in because halacha tells them that the fire is not my property anymore so even if it does not burn i can still throw it in…. i.e. now the fire is owned by the township fire department (Goyim)
Everyone should consult with their Rav if this is allowed