The following are Chometz Burning Guidelines sent to TLS by the Fire Marshal’s Office: 1. No bottles of beer, whiskey, any alcohol related items or aerosol containers are to be put into the fire as they can cause an explosion and injure the participants. 2. Please don’t wrap items in foil because they do not burn. 3. Please do not bring plastic containers and/or plastic bags to be thrown into the fire such as ketchup, mustard or other items. Fire Marshal’s may ask to check bags or containers for non – permitted items. These items will fill the containers very fast and not leave enough room for other people’s items. These items should be put into recycling not burned.
4. After placing the Chometz into the fire please move behind the barricades with your children and families so other people can put their Chometz in the fire safely.
5. The fires will start at 7AM. Please be at the sites by 12:00 noon to have your Chometz placed in the fire. The fires will be extinguished at 12:30 PM.
6. Do not bring garbage or trash to the burnings.
7. Do not bring glass containers to be put into the fire as they will not burn but buildup pressure and explode causing injury to the participants.
8. Please keep away from the metal containers (ESPECIALLY CHILDREN) as they get HOT over time and could injure them.
9. Please use the Permitted burn sites for Chometz Burning. The Fire Dept will extinguish non – permitted Chometz Burning sites.
10. Please listen to the directions of the Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Personnel and Lakewood Police Crossing Guards at each site for your safety and follow the parking rules. Everyone have a safe Chometz Burning and an enjoyable Passover.
This article has been added to our Pesach Corner for future reference.
What guarantee do we have that the Mitzva/Shiure of sreifas chametz will be fulfilled? The mitzva is that the chametz should turn in to coal/ashes.
Is the fire Dept even aware of this? Would you be memaneh a Akum as your shaliach for any other mitzvah??
None of these rules will be followed. They never are year after year.
hey tyrone,
Please go ahead and burn your chometz by your house or even better yet burn your house. not that you have just insulted the fire department they still will risk there lives to try to save you and or your property.
the FD works with the mayor & the township com. and the rabonim in town to work the biyur chometz out that no one gets hurt or property gets damaged.
If you have a problem go ask your rov or go ahead and burn by your house. Please let me know were u live so that I might send the marshals to your house.
have a chag kosher vsameach.
I am making a chametz BBQ! (well done!) BRING THE MARSHALS!!
Yidden were moser nefesh for halacha in much worse circumstances…
There is no insult directed at the FD they are amazing guys! I just dont expect them them know hichos pesach!