China is Collecting the World’s DNA and the Reason is Sinister | Ron Benvenisti

Gordon Chang spoke to Fox News about China’s initiative to collect foreigners’ DNA and how they plan on using it. (See Video here and below)

Gordon Chang warns next disease could be far more deadly than COVID-19

The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has been collecting people’s DNA for years, and according to Gordon Chang, author of ‘The Coming Collapse of China,’ the country’s sinister motivations should be of great concern to the United States.

Who is Gordon Chang and Why Should we Believe Him?

Chang was born in New Jersey to a Chinese father and an American mother of Scottish ancestry. His father is from RugaoJiangsu, China.

Chang graduated from Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey, in 1969, and served as class president in his senior year. Four years later, he graduated from Cornell University, where he was a member of the Quill and Dagger society, and graduated from the Cornell Law School in 1976.

Chang lived and worked in Mainland China and Hong Kong for almost two decades, most recently in Shanghai, as Counsel to the international American law firm Paul Weiss and earlier in Hong Kong as Partner in the American international law firm Baker & McKenzie. Chang was elected twice as a trustee of Cornell University.

Chang has appeared before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission among others. He has warned that Chinese students attending U.S. colleges and universities have become the long arm of Chinese totalitarianism, that students, professors, and scientists have become “nontraditional collectors” of intelligence for China, and has stated that China’s influence on activities on American campuses have infringed on academic freedom, violated sovereignty, and have violated U.S. laws. Further, Chang has stated that China is not trying to compete with the United States within the Westphalian order, but to overthrow that order altogether.

As the author of The Coming Collapse of China, since 2001 Chang has repeatedly said that the Chinese government would eventually collapse. Chang also says that China is a “new dot-com bubble“, adding that the rapid growth by China is not supported by various internal factors such as decrease in population growth as well as slowing retail sales. In a separate interview, he remarked that China achieved its 149.2 percent of its current trade surplus with the United States through “lying, cheating, and stealing” and that if China decided to realize its threat that had been expressed since August 2007 to sell its US Treasuries, it would actually hurt its own economy which is reliant on exports to the United States; the economy of the United States would be hurt by a sell-off of Treasuries, causing the United States to buy less from China, which would in turn hurt the Chinese economy.

Chang has given briefings at the National Intelligence Council, the CIA, the State Department, and the Pentagon, and has appeared before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs.[4] He is a former contributor at The Daily Beast. His writings on China and North Korea have appeared in The New York TimesThe Wall Street Journal, the International Herald TribuneCommentaryNational Review, and Barron’s among others, and he has appeared on CNNFox NewsMSNBCCNBCPBSBloomberg Television, and others, as well on as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Chang has spoken at ColumbiaCornellHarvardPennPrincetonYale, and other universities.

With over 80 million health profiles, China has the largest DNA database in the world, and growing. In an interview with Fox News, Chang warned that China plans to use this information to create bioweapons designed to target specific ethnic groups.

“The coronavirus is not the last pathogen that will be generated from Chinese soil. And so, we’ve got to be concerned that the next disease is more transmissible and more deadly than the novel coronavirus,” said Chang.

China reportedly collects the DNA of its own citizens for purposes of law enforcement, tracking down dissidents, and forming a tightly controlled surveillance state.


They have also found ways to obtain the DNA of foreigners, including Americans.

How exactly do they get this sensitive information?

“Buying American companies which have DNA profiles, subsidizing DNA analysis for ancestry companies, and hacking,” said Chang.

For example, in 2015 it was discovered that the PRC hacked Anthem, the second-largest insurance company in the U.S. Now the PRC is using the coronavirus to enlarge its DNA database by requiring internationally accepted QR codes for travel in and out of the country and using vaccine diplomacy.

“What they’re doing is they are saying: ‘We’ll get this vaccine to you, but we need to complete our trials so we’re going to use your population as the test. If you don’t participate in these trials, you’re not getting the Chinese vaccines,’” said Chang.

He continued, “Beijing is trying to extend its influence by making its vaccine available.” While, at the same time, “collecting very sensitive information about people outside China.”

China currently has five coronavirus vaccine candidates that have reached phase 3 clinical trials.  The final phase of trials has been rolled out in at least 16 countries including BrazilTurkeyMorocco, and UAE.

China’s reasons for wanting this information involve dominating the biotechnology industry which “is very important to them,” said Chang.

“They included it in their ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative, he pointed out, “which is a decade long program to dominate certain industries.”

The second reason is something much more sinister, “China is probably trying to develop diseases that target not just everybody, but target only certain ethnic or racial groups.”


According to Chang, genetic data gives China the ability to create bioweapons that can target certain groups of people. Furthermore, he said the country’s behavior of collecting the DNA of foreigners while prohibiting Chinese DNA to foreign researchers supports this theory.

“We’ve got to be extremely concerned because that is not consistent with a country that wants to cooperate with the rest of the world. That is consistent with a country developing biological weapons,” he warned.

“People have said biological weapons don’t work. Well, we do know they work because we had the coronavirus, which may or may not have been a biological weapon,” Chang clarified, “but we do know that it crippled the United States and that’s what Beijing is really looking for.”

Now that China has had proof of concept, Chang urged the United States to act swiftly and prevent the superpower from obtaining any more American DNA.

“We should not allow any Chinese or Chinese affiliated organization to test DNA of Americans. And we’ve got to say to China, either you agree to an inspections regime or we’re pulling out of the biological weapons convention.”

China has denied allegations that the coronavirus pandemic, which some believe emerged from a government lab in Wuhan, was a biological weapon. In 1984 the PRC signed the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) treaty in 1984 which prohibits them from developing, producing or stockpiling biological or toxin weapons.

Comment: COVID-19 only existed in animals, but for how long, no one knows. Then one day in December 2019 at an animal market in Wuhan China, it mutated and made the jump from animal to people. At first, it was said that only animals could give it to a person. But in just TWO WEEKS, it “mutated” again and gained the ability to jump from human to human. Scientists call this quick ability “slippery”.

If the Coronavirus, was not being in any form a “human” virus, we would all have some natural or acquired immunity. But humans have no known immunity, and doctors have no known medicines for it. Supposedly until now, with mRNA vaccines being released for emergency use by Pfizer and Moderna, following a bumpy road to FDA and CDC approval.

How damaging is the Coronavirus?

This mutated animal virus “changed itself” in such a way that it causes great damage to the human lungs. That’s why Coronavirus is different from seasonal flu, or H1N1 or any other type of influenza.  It’s a voracious lung eater (if allowed to fester beyond just a few days if not sooner, and it’s already mutated AGAIN. We now have TWO STRAINS to deal with: Strain S, and Strain L, which makes it twice as hard to develop an effective vaccine. We really have no tools in our toolbox with this. History has shown that fast and immediate closings of public places has helped in past pandemics, however recent statistics seem to show the exact opposite.


One of the largest Bio Laboratories in China is in Wuhan. This was the place confirmed that the outbreak was traced back to. Satellite images of that area taken months before the COVID-19 announcement show a tremendous increase in traffic to local hospitals. Is it a “coincidence” that now people not sick anymore in China, according to the CCP? Did China “accidently” release it or purposely to disrupt the US economy because of the impact of our strong economy: To offset the tariffs to the US they had to lower prices to US companies (i.e. Walmart and Target etc.) This impacted their bottom line in the 100’s of billions. That is an economic fact. Who had the most to gain? China. Who had the most to lose, the US? We all became innocent bystanders in a devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

Ron Benvenisti

FEMA Certified – NIST Counter Terrorism Licensed – Patented DHS SaaS Cybersecurity Assessment, Remediation and Management

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  1. Hello. Brennan is an Islamic Communist (research it). China and Biden have been working with the CIA for decades. (research it). Gates wants to control the world with updates to your brain. CLICK

  2. UPDATE: An email campaign impersonating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is requesting the recipient to click on the included link in order to view a secured message to complete a count for COVID-19 vaccines. The link directs the user to a webpage that attempts to collect personally identifiable information (PII), including name, address, date of birth, driver’s license number, phone number, and email address.

    COVID-19 vaccine advertisements for supposed “legitimate” vaccines are appearing on dark web marketplaces. As Europol notes in their Public Information report, these will be ineffective at best and toxic at worst. Users are advised to only receive vaccines from authorized entities. Operation Stolen Promise, launched by US Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), provides information regarding fraudulent and criminal activity related to COVID-19, including the illicit sale and distribution of counterfeit or unauthorized vaccines and treatment.


    1. Advertisements or offers for early access to a vaccine upon payment of a deposit or fee.

    2. Requests asking you to pay out of pocket to obtain the vaccine or to put your name on a COVID-19 vaccine waiting list.

    3. Offers to undergo additional medical testing or procedures when obtaining a vaccine.

    4. Marketers offering to sell and/or ship doses of a vaccine, domestically or internationally, in exchange for payment of a deposit or fee.

    5. Unsolicited emails, telephone calls, or personal contact from someone claiming to be from a medical office, insurance company, or COVID-19 vaccine center requesting personal and/or medical information to determine recipients’ eligibility to participate in clinical vaccine trials or obtain the vaccine.

    6. Claims of FDA approval for a vaccine that cannot be verified.

    7. Advertisements for vaccines through social media platforms, email, telephone calls, online, or from unsolicited/unknown sources
    Individuals contacting you in person, by phone, or by email to tell you the government or government officials require you to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

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