[ADVERTORIAL] Once again, after an extremely successful season last year Sukkos, the great service for the Lakewood tzeibur has been launched once again for this years Sukkos season!
The option, whom for many have now came to rely on, is B”H back, serving our growing Kehilla of individuals who have hectic work schedules, or are simply unable to run back and forth from the moicher to a Rav for a psak; to also have a mehuder Arba Minim with a psak from a Rov, this yom tov.
The askonim of the Chestnut Shul have once again arranged with their Mora Dasra, Harav Yosef Greenfeld Shlita, a noted posek in Lakewood, who is known to be a mumcha in the Daled Minim, to personally inspect Esrogim, Lulavim, & Hadassim for those who chose to have their Daled Minim sets preselected.
The way this service has been set up to accommodate the large oylum taking advantage of this convenient service is via an order form (click here for order form), OR a new WEBSITE (www.chestnutesrogim.com) which gives 4 choices of the quality type/price of Esrog, including Chinuch. The purchaser can also make a choice if he wants the Esrog a Bedatz or Chazon Ish.
The price is per “set” and includes a Standatd Lulav, and standard Hadassim. However an upgrade option was added for Deri Lulavim, and aleph aleph Hadassim.
“This service is NOT for everyone” says one of the askonim, “for those who like to be involved in picking out of their own Esrog etc, and are able to spend time on this precious Mitzvah, or those who are looking for that expensive ‘perfect’ Esrog, or want a particular shape or size etc, we encourage you to take the time to do so on your own. With our service, although it’s extremely convenient, you still won’t be able to pick out your own Daled Minim. But what’s certain is, with each Esrog category/ price point you will absolutely get more than your monies worth, PLUS have the peace of mind that it was personally inspected by the Rov to make sure its kosher, & meets the category/price range you’ve selected – an invaluable & unique service that you just can’t get anywhere else!”
“The proof is in the Esrog!” says another askon, “our repeat orders from last year is astounding, and our pricing is virtually the same!”
Reserve your set today, the deadline is Erev Yom Kippur, don’t wait till it’s too late!
To download an order form click here or visit our WEB order form site at www.chestnutesrogim.com
For bulk orders, and further questions, you can call 732-806-1157.
They do a great job!
We’d like to give a donation to Rabbi Greenfelds shul in honor of the Rav. Does the shul accept credit cards.
Yes we take credit cards. Please go to http://www.fidelipay.com/chestnut to make a donation. If you have any questions you can email me at [email protected]
A Special Thanks goes to Reb Ira Rosenthal and Reb Joseph and the whole gang for all the hard work they do for our Shul.
Keep it up!!!!!!
This is such an amazing idea. I have been looking for an arrangement like this for years. Much success!