CHEMED To Administer First COVID-19 Vaccines In Lakewood Next Week

Lakewood is expected to receive its first doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine next week. The vaccine is waiting on final FDA approval for the vaccine, which is expected to be given as soon as Friday.

The first batch of the Moderna vaccine will consist of vials containing roughly 400 doses, which will be administered at CHEMED to frontline workers.

Like the Pfizer vaccine, the vials containing the Moderna vaccine must be kept at super-cool temperatures, which require special refrigeration equipment.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have both shown in clinical trials to be well over 90% effective at preventing coronavirus infections.

The news comes after reports said that New Jersey will receive 34% fewer Pfizer vaccines than originally allocated, setting back the state’s attempts to finally get the coronavirus under control.

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  1. The fact that: 1. this mRNA vaccine has to be stored at such below freezing temperatures to keep it from degrading, 2. mRNA vaccines have never before been approved for the general market and are new technology, should give folks pause before being vaccinated. Especially seniors. The second dose of the Pfizer vaccine has given some young people fevers of up to 105 farenheit. It wouldn’t be advisable for an elderly, or frail person or one with respiratory problems to get on line first for this vaccine until more is known about its side effects!

  2. Makes sense. If the vaccine has to be stored at such a low temperature, it may cause a person to freeze too.
    By that token, bread is baked at an extremely high temperature, that can kill a person in seconds. Don’t eat bread.

  3. @Ruth. Bread is baked at high temperature but can be stored at any, the vaccine has to be stored in freezing temperature can your body heat be the right storage for it?

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