Chaveirim Sends Emergency Equipment To Monsey Following Unexpected Snow Storm

Chaveirim members this afternoon are headed to Monsey, New York, after an unexpected October snow storm dumped about a foot of snow (photos) and knocked out power to hundreds in the area. A Chaveirim Coordinator tells TLS they are sending several generators and other equipment to assist the elderly and sick who were left without electricity after the storm hit.

(See photo of Monsey as of 2:00 PM Sunday).

Lakewood and other southern Municipalities were only hit with about an inch of snow. TLS-CAC/Monsey photo credits: News Breakers/Yaakov B.

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  1. i think its about time get these special volunteer members proper winter equipment, including good coats snow pants all with strong reflectors etc. it costs a lot of money to buy proper winter gear.

    also they probably need more generators they are very useful in power outages

    call them to donate or u can donate here

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