Chaveirim Members Reunite Ducklings With Mother After Being Pulled From Drain

ducklings chaveirimPHOTOS: 11 Ducklings are safe and with their mother today, thanks to the help of some dedicated Chaveirim members. The ducklings were strolling in the Fairways section of Lakewood the other day, when they apparently walked over the sewer holes, a little too big for them to cross. A neighbor who noticed the ducklings in the approximately 10-foot deep sewer, alerted Police who in turn called on Chaveirim for the job to free them. With the mother duckling not too far away, the Chaveirim members lifted the drain cover with a chain, and climbed in. The ducklings were carefully placed in a box and brought to safety.

After bringing out the box, the Chaveirim members took out the ducklings and placed them near their mother. A few minutes later, the happy family was once again on their way.

“This town is very dynamic, and I and lots of seniors have our issues with the town. But seeing a group of young volunteers coming to do this renews my faith in this town”, a member of the senior community who witnessed the scene said. TLS spoke to one of the responding members who said “To hear her say that, made the ordeal worth it”.

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  1. theonly hebrew in the article is the word Chaveirim . Chaveirim means friend ie a freind you can count on organization that helps stranded vehicles lockouts etc .

  2. It’s too bad there was no Chaveirim when a mother duck took her babies for a walk into County Line Rd. and over a storm drain many years ago, near my house. Two of her ducklings fell into the drain and I didn’t know what to do. I called the police and Animal Control, but, no one seemed to care or knew who I should call. So the poor ducklings died. Now, if it ever happens happens again, B”H there’s Chaveirim ! (I am not being facetious about this. I really care about animals)

  3. Great to see that Chaveirim has some lighter moments from the rest of the good work they do –our(this towns)”dirty work”
    Thanks You Chaveirim

  4. i was talking to the people writing the comments, because its really annoying. if your trying to build bridges, and communicate with other people outside of your community, then stop speaking in a language only you guys know. if we all start speaking our native tongues on here- these comments wont be anything worth reading….

  5. Is this proper use of Chaveirim resources? Will they soon be used to chase squirells, birds or bees. There are ants that are being stepped on by people on the sidewalks of Lakewood, is this a cause for Chaveirim? please think about it before you laugh it off.

  6. The TLS is not about bridge building. It was started as a blog for the orthodox community. While the TLS editor is a fair and inclusive person, that does not mean he has to alter the comments to accommodate you.
    To even ask or demand this is obnoxious.

  7. “if we all start speaking our native tongues on here- these comments wont be anything worth reading”

    What is your native tongue? Besides, English is my native tongue, I just know some yeshivishe reid, a bissel Yiddish and a little Japanese (i.e. Sushi).

  8. #11: “The TLS is not about bridge building. It was started as a blog for the orthodox community. To even ask or demand this is obnoxious.”

    Well then go ahead and remove the “LAKEWOOD” out of the name of this site, and call it the ORTHODOX SCOOP. because as far as i see it, LAKEWOOD DOESNT BELONG TO YOU, NOR THE ORTHODOX COMMUNITY. SO THE NAME LAKEWOOD INCLUDES EVERYONE. THATS WHY I SAID, IF EVERYONE FROM LAKEWOOD, STARTS SPEAKING IN THERE NATIVE TONGUE, WHATS THE POINT OF THIS THEN?? And as far as i see it, there is no membership, nor preference who reads the site. it was just a mere suggestion that since this AMERICA, and this is a site that is made in ENGLISH that the posters on the forums SPEAK ENGLISH!!

  9. #19, How about the Lakewood Blue Claws, does it belong to all of Lakewood? They are just residing in Lakewood! We also reside in Lakewood, hence the name “The Lakewood Scoop”.

  10. the common language is ENGLISH. the whole website is written in ENGLISH- and you choose to post comments in another language so others cant understand. and when asked- you tell me its obnoxious that i ask you to speak english on an ORTHODOX website. again, last time i checked, its called the LAKEWOOD scoop- not the orthodox scoop. so thats fine then, lets write in ebonix, russian, spanish, and see how well the communication works on here.

  11. Mr. Conservative- Why is it wrong for an Orthodox jew to use the name ‘Lakewood’ on his blog with news about the community??
    I can start a blog and call it whatever I want and write it in whatever language I want. As to your saying it is worthless if there is Hebrew mixed in- maybe it is worthless to you, but not to a lot of the readership. Not to say that I mind you visiting this site, but if you don’t understand something, don’t complain.

  12. @ #25 – im not talking about the blogger- im talking to the posters. its very interesting to read the peoples comments, its just annoying when you read: “xxxx im xxxxx totally xxxxx xxxx xxx you know what i mean?” get it?
    and i dont mind it being called the lakewood scoop. i mind how the poster put that its a website started for the orthodox. as in ONLY for orthodox.
    if that is so- remove lakewood from the name, and call it the Jerusalem scoop. because the last time i checked lakewood is a melting pot of people- not just the orthodox.

  13. Mr. Conservative isnt asking something obnoxious. Everyone chill out! No need to make a fight in every post! He merely asked to please write in English so he can understand. If you want to listen, do. If you dont, dont. Just dont fight about it! PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. #25-I understood that you have a hard time reading some comments, but the fact remains that while you are more than welcome to peruse and comment on this site, it was started by, frequented by,and is geared toward Orthodox Jews. Many of the posts are probably of no interest you as they relate to the different things going on in the Jewish community.
    I understand that there are many diff. people in Lakewood, but this website is geared toward a specific group. That doesn’t mean it should be called the Jerusalem Scoop. It is fair and reasonable to address a blog to the tens of thousands of Jews as TLS.

    If a chinese group has a blog called ‘The Lakewood Sesame Chicken with Fried Rice’ written in Chinese, I would have no problem with that!

  15. “The Lakewood Sesame Chicken with Fried Rice’ written in Chinese”

    so then go ahead and rename it: “The Lakewood Matzo Ball Scoup.” – but since its just LAKEWOOD- and the reports are on ALL the topics, aside from just orthodox, i feel that the comments should be written in the same language the original story is- ENGLISH!!

  16. dear mr. conservative. i don’t mean to offend you and i feel your frustration, but this is an open forum for all to express themselves in an appropriate way, as well as how many of us (not all of us) speak amongst ourselves as a like minded group. so in the plainest english i would like to say – drei mir nisht ah kup un hock mir nisht kein chinek, (loosely translated – keep the cool baby!). we are all here to be informed and also to have a little fun. so let’s keep it light and don’t take things so personal. no one is looking to offend you. have a nice day.

  17. I enjoyed reading this story. It reminds me of the children’s book. Make Way for the Ducklings. Wonderful story & book.

  18. CENSORSHIP and CAPITAL letters are also obnoxious. The TLS is not a government agency that must be all inclusive. Next you’re gonna want it to be open on Shabbos (Saturday). A lovely cynic like you is given an open forum to post your wisdom. Be grateful and have some derech eretz.

  19. If YOU started a blog, what would you call it? The Lakewood not one of you people scoop? Keep your stereotypes and nasty remarks about matzoh balls to your self and worry about your own 5 star restaurants.

  20. I am orthodox speak Yiddish and English and I agree with Mr. Conservative that it might be annoying for him. but I need to say to him that I do not believe that we post here in Yinglish or Engbrew to be rude, rather, it is the way we are used to talk. Like Italian American use lots of Italian words in their speech so do we use a lot of Yiddish and Hebrew in our speech.
    On another note, the fight about the name is stupid and a waste of time!
    I have a bigger issue with the poor grammar in the stories and comments alike. It makes us look stupid. Use proper speech and grammar and be a Kiddush HaShem!

    By the way: Kiddush hashem (Hebrew: קידוש השם‎; “sanctification of the name [of G-d]”) is a precept of Judaism as expressed in the Torah for any Jew: “To sanctify His Name” Leviticus 22:32, and conversely not to bring dishonor or shame to G-d’s name which is known as Chillul Hashem: “Not to profane His Name” Lev. 22:32

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