VIDEO: Chaveirim members this afternoon fished out a pair of keys from Lake Carasaljo. Though retrieving keys from a lake would be like searching for a needle in a haystack, the members set out.
Equipped with some Chaveirim tools, the members took out a boat and sailed over to the aapproximate area of where the owner’s keys fell in.
After about forty five minutes of fishing, the members located the keys. TLS-57.
You chaveirim guys are amazing what dont you guys do for the people of lakewood
Ki Bisimcha Saytzayu!
Thank u !!! U guys r true ” חברים” !!
This was my cousins key he was a nervous reck it was his only house and car and shed key chaverim your truly amazing
Way to go. Chaveirim where you can always count on us ( that should be their new slogan:)
May HaShem continue to assist Chaverim in their quest to help the community
w-r-e-c-k not reck
#4-maybe your cousin will now consider getting spare keys made….
chaveirim 57- you did an amazing job. to find a key ring in the midst of all the vegetation that grows in that lake and to retrieve it in 5ft of water is an amazing job well done. thank you lakewood chaveirim for going the extra mile on land on water and even up trees, for the klal. i am pledging $10 to lakewood chaveirim.
go 57 wer very proud of u
I don’t see how possible unless they had scuba equipment
Why don’t they call the local fishing keys out of the lake store? do you think it’s right to take away somebody’s business?
I think a shyla should have been asked by the heads of chaverim whether its muttar to put yourself in harms way to go retreve a set of keys from a lake . Many people have drown in lakes shallower then this lake.
Go Gersh!!!!
killer gefilta in them waters!!!!!!
I know it’s not relevant to the story and kudos to the Scoop for not sensationalizing or anything but can’t help wondering how those keys got there – I’m sure it’s a great story…
Gives new meaning to the “Florida Keys”
Why were none of them wearing life vests? This was very dangerous, especially in such a small unstable boat.
Not a very good example for children and adults.