Chasdei Hashem: Aharon Zissel ben Tzivia Returns Home after Cardiac Arrest

hatz rig tlsAharon Zissel ben Tzivia, the Lakewood Chaveirim member who went into Cardiac Arrest earlier this month, has returned home a healthy man – an open Neis which even Doctors are calling an absolute and open miracle.

Aharon, 37, collapsed on February 2 during a family birthday party, and subsequently went into Cardiac Arrest. Hatzolah BLS units and Paramedics performed CPR on him with the Lucas Thumper for over an hour‎, including shocking him multiple times. Hatzolah managed to bring back his pulse, and stabilize him. Later on that evening, he was transported to Jersey Shore Medical Center for further care.

But just a few days later, thousands around the world – who were fervently Davening for his Refuah – were witness to the power of Tfilla when the news broke that Aharon had woken up from his Coma.

As the days passed, Aharon’s condition continued to improve, and he was moved to a rehab center in North Jersey. He remained at the rehab center until today, when he was brought back home to his wife and children with a new lease on life. [TLS]

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  1. Thanks to all the doctors, nurses and medical staff that worked on him. Thanks to the incredible advances in science and medicine that allowed him to come back from the brink of death.

  2. Glad to hear, Baruch Hashem.
    Did you know that second hand smoke affects cardiac health in others? This is taken from:

    What about secondhand smoke?
    Secondhand smoke is a much greater problem than many people realize. Secondhand smoke is a combination of the smoke given off by the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar and the smoke exhaled from the lungs of smokers. This mixture contains more than 4,000 substances, more than 40 of which are known to cause cancer in humans or animals and many of which are strong irritants. Secondhand smoke has been classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cause of lung cancer in humans. Secondhand smoke causes 30 times as many lung cancer deaths as all regulated air pollutants combined (3). Secondhand smoke is estimated by the EPA to cause approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths in nonsmokers each year.
    There is no evidence of a safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. In fact, long-term exposure to secondhand smoke has been shown to cause a 30% increase in the risk of heart disease in nonsmokers. It is estimated that 37,000 coronary heart disease deaths per year are caused by exposure to secondhand smoke. Exposure to secondhand smoke also negatively affects cardiovascular health by decreasing exercise endurance, damaging blood vessel walls, and increasing the tendency of blood platelets to clot, contributing to heart attacks. Also, nonsmokers’ bodies tend to react more dramatically to tobacco exposure than do smokers’ bodies, so lower levels of smoke can cause adverse effects.

  3. Thank you hashem for your wondrous ways and for your wonderful sheluchim! There is no one person that gets credit for helping, we as a community came together and stepped up. Thanks to Hatzolah for the amazing life saving dedication thanks to Bikur Cholim for the continuous support for mekimi and most importantly for Chaverim for really stepping up to the plate! And of course to all the individuals that have stepped up and continue to… May we all be blessed with the true yeshuah the geluah shleima!

  4. Bh..chasdei hashem..if one is oisek for the rabim..and rabim needs him..rbsho sends him refua shleima for zchus horabim..let’s continue to say thilim to thank the rbshol for showing rachmonus..omen..

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