U.S. Chaplains have filed a lawsuit against all branches of the military, claiming their religious rights were denied.
Lakewood-based Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim, a Torah Observant endorser of Chaplains to the United States Military, Army, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard, has issued a letter that their Chaplains may apply for a religious exemption. However, the organization alleges that the Department of Defense across the board is virtually denying all religious applications to be exempt from having to vaccinate.
30 Chaplains from all branches of the service, including Air Force Chaplain Yirmeyahu Rodriguez, endorsee of Pirchei Shoshanim, have filed the lawsuit.
Also named as defendants, were the Secretary of the Army, Navy and Air Force.
The action was filed in federal Court in Tampa, Fla.
“The outcome of this case could have a huge impact on religious rights in this country,” says Rabbi Fishel Todd, founder of Pirchei Shoshanim.
See the letter and lawsuit below.
Moseley Press Release 2Complaint 3
That also applies to government contractors. My religious exemption was denied. License agreements with DOD and DHS is on hold. I cannot get paid. Since last year. FEMA status reduced to “voluntary.” Biden and his commie crew are destroying National Security. All the competent people have been “de-commissioned”.
And under which Jewish religious law would this exemption fall? Where in our religion does it say we can not get the COVID vaccination, or any vaccination, for that matter?
Has nothing to do with ANY specific religion. It’s a Constitutional Right called, Freedom of Religion. Therefore it is an Unlawful Order. If you read the first paragraph of the lawsuit you would understand that your question has zero to do with the matter.
In the article it states: Lakewood based Yeshiva Pirchei Shoshanim, a Torah observant endorser of chaplains….. has issued a letter that their chaplains may apply for a RELIGIOUS exemption.
Where in the Torah does it say that vaccines are not permitted?
This is Chilul Hashem to imply such a falsehood.
Dont drag the Torah through the mud to promote anti-vaxx propoganda!
According to my religion, I cannot put myself in harms way. I am the one who will decide what harms way is & I will answer only to G-d about that. It has nothing to do with what you or Dr Fauci considers harms way. You will answer to G-d about your decisions, I will about mine.
Tell that to a judge and see how far it gets you. What a bunch of baloney!
It’s very funny to laugh at non-vax families, until the tables turn.
Instead of yeshivos teaming up with health dept. against non-vax families, it’s the left and LGBT community teaming up with the education dept. against yeshivos.
“oy eibishter, we need moshiach” – you tell that to the judge, the real judge.
Please don’t drag Lakewood into this.
Pirchei Shoshanim which endorses anyone with a pulse is not associated with Lakewood Community in any way.
As active duty who is taking a stand ( although i will lose) against a global communist regime. I have put in my RA and still waiting for it to be denied like so many other true patriots!
First of all “Anti Vax” is such a derogatory term, allit means is those who dont want vaccines, dont believe any gov or any pharma has the right to force toxins into ones body. Just like in the constitution we have or are supposed to have soveriegnty over our own body.
It breaks my nuts when all i hear is you raised your hand you lose your rights…..whats the point in defending something when it no longer applies to you!!!
Lastly it shouldnt matter what religeon you are if you believe the creator made us in his image and the body is the vessel of the wholly spirit then we shouldnt need man made toxins which also include fetus cells in them destroying our bodies.
Strongly suggest you all look at the increase of certain health issues since pushing this crap, look at the birth rate data when new ones are released, look at the spike in cancers since these were first pushed!
Be closed minded but dont force ya crap on those who have there eyes open.
At this time the DoD and the Gov are corrupt and hell bent on destroying our nation, and its not just ours been destroyed!