Trash and recycling collection will be suspended next Tuesday, the 10th, due to Purim.
Collection will resume on Wednesday, the 11th.
Monday’s collection will remain the same.
This will push your normal collection back one day, as it is for a Holiday schedule. If your pickup is Tuesday, it will be picked up Wednesday; Wednesday will be Thursday; Thursday will be Friday.
why is this necessary most of the garbage is picked up before the traffic begins around 11 am… and what happens with bulk that week?
Will this cancel Bulky pickup for Zone 2?!?!? Zone 2 did not have bulky pickup in January, and will not have bulky pickup in April….Please don’t cancel the March pickup for Zone 2!!
B”H the Jewish calendar has been taken into account in Lakewood and you complain? The garbage cans are a smelly inconvenience out on the streets on Monday night when many people are out and need parking and safe sidewalks.
Thank you Lakewood DPW for taking safety and traffic into consideration.
What a smart move!!!
We don’t need parking spots taken up by full garbage cans or traffic aggravated by garbage trucks around town!!
who is complaining – everyone is simply questioning for clarification on this last minute change. Are you a landlord that lives in zone 2?
Welcome to Lakewood, where you can’t please everyone. Call Mr.Roux at DPW or Mr. Donnelly at the Municipal building and inquire about bulk pick up for zone 2 since they’re the ones in charge.
Per the DPW, there will be bulk pickup.