The Township has announced a change in address for the polling station of District 12 (Westgate). The new location for the District will be at the Community Center located at 100 Ropshitz Ct. The entrance and parking is in the rear of the building.
Click on the photo for the updated polling location list.
District 26 needs to be changed. Parking there is terrible. Too many people not enough car space.
Eleanor Levovitz has many polling districts and absolutely no parking. The parking lot is for residents of the building only. Why are we paying for use of the facility when there is no accommodations for parking?
Something need to be done.
how is that a community center if not everyone is welcomed and allowed to use the facilities?
West Gate is such a big development that one word is too small to describe it. Please call it West Gate from now on and not Westgate. Thanks.
PS: It’s probably called the Community Center because it’s for the use of the West Gate community.